Tuesday, January 31, 2006
So I bought the "Natural Cures" book last year some time. Of coures I was just as disappointed as everyone else that the book was full of mostly bunk. It did have some useful information about nutrition and diet and some suggestions on what types of supplements to take and things of that nature. All throughout the book it makes reference to the naturalcures.com website. Kevin (the author) says throughout the book that the FDA has said that he can't recommend specific products of any kind (actually it was because he was fined by the FDA in the sum of 2 million dollars and ordered never to promote another product for the rest of his life). Anyway, he says that when you join his website and become a "private memeber" that he's free to converse with you and tell you all the products he recommends. So I dished out the 9.95 to join the website. The first page says "the FDA says I can't give out the names of products on my website". All throughout the website, there are references to his book, where to buy his book and so forth. Now when you join the website, you can either join for 9.95 per month or a lifetime membership for $499. I believe (if I remember correctly), that there was a SuperDuperUltraKingKong membership also for more money. Anyway...so here you are with a book with no real information that recommends the website and a website with no real information that recommends the book. The book and website are filled with common sense. "Lose weight if you don't eat and only drink water and juice" for a certain amount of time like 30 days or 3 months. Yeah, you might die. But you'll definitely lose weight. That's not a diet program, Kevin. That's just retarded. The book "Natural Cures" offers no cures natural or otherwise. It just offers to take your money. After wasting time on the website, I cancelled my membership, of course. A month later, I notice a charge from "Natural Cures" on my credit card. I send an email to the support people for natural cures letting them know that I was charged for a cancelled account and that I would like my refund. I'm immediately responded to with an automated email giving me a support number and a statement that says I will be contacted shortly. Two weeks later, no response, I send another email. Again I'm sent the same type of message. Another week later, no response. Another week later, ANOTHER charge on my credit card from Natural Cures. I call them. I'm on hold on their 1-847 number for over 20 minutes before the options are "Press 1 for website problems. Press 2 for charges to your credit card." I press 2. A girl comes on and I explain that my credit card was charged for 2 months after I cancelled my subscription to the website. She says "Oh it's a website issue. I'll transfer you." I'm like "ok". I get to the website people and I explain the situation. They say "Oh it's a credit card charge problem...I'll transfer you to the credit card people." I'm like "no...they just transferred me here". Then I get put on hold for another few minutes before he says he's taken care of the problem and that I'll be issued 2 refunds within a week. I'm like "koo...bye".
Monday, January 30, 2006
Good News about the Baby
Oh yeah I forgot to post an update on the baby. Everything is fine. The baby was very active at night and all day today. Thank goodness.
Typical Bush Adminstration Response
Hamas elected! Bush pissed! Bush thinks that just because a country has democratic elections, that they are going to elect the people that he wants. You don't run the entire world, Bush. Even if you think you do, you can't control everything and everybody everywhere. Why don't you just handle it like you do everything else? Just go bomb the hell out of them and send in 50 thousand troops. That should fix it, right?
Sunday, January 29, 2006
A Notice to Black People who Want a Dog
You don't have to own a rottweiler just because you're black. You can own any type of dog that you wish. You could even own a cat. That makes me think...is there a specific type of cat that black people are more likely to buy if they choose to get a cat?
The Baby
Well I guess it's ok to post about it here now that everyone who needs to know knows about it. My girlfriend, Juanita is almost 6 months pregnant now. Ultrasound technician says it looks like it's a girl. Anyway, today, Juanita called and said that the hasn't felt the baby move around very much today. I don't like to hear things like that because the last time I someone told me that, it didn't turn out very well. If things are the same way all night, we're going to go to see our midwife tomorrow morning. Hopefully everything is ok. I sort of started thinking about names for a girl. I had a boy's name all picked out and ready to go, but didn't have any girl's names in mind. I came up with the name Lindrielle.
Upcoming State of the Union
I'm sure Bush will say that the State of the Union is "strong" and possibly "promising", though I can't see how that's anywhere near the truth. I'm sure for him and his oil rich buddies, the economy looks great when they look at the gas pump prices. Unfortunately, they look little further than just that. As I hear on the TV about how great the economy is, I'm on the phone with someone calling me asking me if I know of any available jobs hiring in my company. They want to know because they and a group of others just got laid off because of downsizing. As I drive on my way to work and on my way home, I pass strip malls full of empty stores that will probably never be refilled. In just the past couple of months, they've closed a Best Buy, a Media Play, a Krispy Kreme and a K-Mart all in the same shopping complex. That's just the bigger businesses. Countless small businesses have gone belly up because people simply can't afford to do business with them and so they can't afford the higher costs of energy that is passed all the way from manufacturers on down through consumers. Since I no longer have a local Best Buy or Media Play, I have to drive three times as far to get to a place where I might find similar products. That means more gas spent to get there. That means more money in the oil monger's pockets. What does that equal out to? Bush saying "The State of our Economy is Strong". Please.........
Idea for TV Show
I was just watching the news about the story with the injury sustained by ABC's Bob Woodruff. They said he was rushed to the military base hospital in Balad. Immediately, I imagined a TV show like "ER: Balad" where they have a show about a military hospital dealing with the injuries and situtations and ongoing problems that military hospitals in warzones face. Let this blog serve as proof that it was my idea when, in a few months, you turn on the TV and see a show as I have described above.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Boredom in Holywood....I guess...I dunno...
Here's a link to what I'm going to comment on ----> Witherspoon Clothing Whoops on Yahoo News.
Ok so the jist is that Reece Witherspoon wore the same dress as Kirsten Dunst wore to the Golden Globes like 3 years ago and everyone is throwing a shit-fit about it. Oh my god. Someone actually has the same dress as someone else? You know that brings back old memories of mine. This one time, when I was 14 years old, I went to school in a pair of Levis and this other kid was wearing the EXACT same Levis! I was shocked and appauled!! My football buddies will just never let me live that one down. Just the other day we were all enjoying hors'devours while shopping for balerina figurines on QVC and we were talking about all the fuss in holywood about the dresses and our jeans and we were like hey were'e just the same as they are. GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so the jist is that Reece Witherspoon wore the same dress as Kirsten Dunst wore to the Golden Globes like 3 years ago and everyone is throwing a shit-fit about it. Oh my god. Someone actually has the same dress as someone else? You know that brings back old memories of mine. This one time, when I was 14 years old, I went to school in a pair of Levis and this other kid was wearing the EXACT same Levis! I was shocked and appauled!! My football buddies will just never let me live that one down. Just the other day we were all enjoying hors'devours while shopping for balerina figurines on QVC and we were talking about all the fuss in holywood about the dresses and our jeans and we were like hey were'e just the same as they are. GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
And the winner goes to.........WTF? How can you compare a musical to a comedy? I mean if the musical IS also a comedy, then fine. But you could have a serious drama style musical compared to a Jim Carey movie (hypothetically if he were to ever make one that was actually funny. I give him a C+ for effort). I guess I just never watched the Golden Globes before. I mean between the Grammys, the Emmy's, the Academy Awards, the MTV awards, the People's Choice awards and this Golden Globes show, it's hard to watch them ALL you know. By the way, I'd like to thank all of those shows for years of showing undue appreciation to people who make millions of dollars for playing make believe in front of a camera. If I've forgotten to mention any of the awards shows, I appologize. I love you all!!!!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Ticketmaster.com Sucks
I was trying to buy AFC tickets for the Broncos/Steelers game. I was on ticketmaster.com for 15 minutes before the tickets went on sale. I kept refreshing. Couldn't get on the page to buy tickets until 3 minutes after they went on sale. Then it says "your wait is 3 minutes" I'm like "ok". Then it said "your wait is 4 minutes" Then 5. Then 6. Then 21. I'm like WTF? I finally got some seats...woopdeedoo..........not the ones I was hoping for, but still pretty kick ass seats. Section 118, Row 27, right by the corner of the End Zone, baby! :D Anyway...I'm not going to the game since I have to work 'n all that jazz so I'll be putting these tickets up on Ebay in a few days when the times a' crunchin'. Don't worry...they're email-able tickets. Soon as the winner sends me the money, they'll have the tickets. I'm a nice guy like that.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Speed Pay Thingamajiggers
You know those "Speed Pass" things they have at nearly every convenience store all of a sudden? You don't use a pin number or anything I guess. I supposed this means you can pay for your stuff much faster now. It also, to me, means that people can rip you off all that much quicker if they were to steal it. So my new idea/invention is to have thumb print scanners on each of this speed pay things. You'd have to have your thumb on the sensor and it would have to recognize you before it will work on one of those speed pass scanners. Let this blog and the date shown on this blog, the 13th of January, 2006, serve as proof that I today came up with this idea and that if anyone should develop this idea after this date, I should receive proceeds from sales and implementation of my idea. Koo........
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I Mean Damn
Have you seen all the coverage supreme court nominee Alito has been getting? I can't believe all the shit they make this poor guy go through. I can't BELIEVE there actually IS anyone that was approved to be on the Supreme Court. It's ridiculous.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Mormon Door-to-Door Faith Sharers Killed
Story Link
Apparently, the door-to-door mormons witnessed some sort of crime going on and they were killed for it. I hate these guys who go door to door trying to recruit members for their church. It's really really really annoying. You know those satanist looking people who dress in weird ways and have tons of piercings and tattoos and possibly do drugs and engage in other illegal activity? Well I like those people better because they don't knock on my door while I'm trying to sleep and try to get me to join their religious congregation. Amen. But still...you ain't got to shoot them! Just threaten to shoot them or just cut them or something. What's up with the world these days?
Apparently, the door-to-door mormons witnessed some sort of crime going on and they were killed for it. I hate these guys who go door to door trying to recruit members for their church. It's really really really annoying. You know those satanist looking people who dress in weird ways and have tons of piercings and tattoos and possibly do drugs and engage in other illegal activity? Well I like those people better because they don't knock on my door while I'm trying to sleep and try to get me to join their religious congregation. Amen. But still...you ain't got to shoot them! Just threaten to shoot them or just cut them or something. What's up with the world these days?
Book of Daniel
So there are alot of christians who are upset with the show The Book of Daniel. Apparently, they think it doesn't portray christians or Jesus in an accurate manner. No no no...see they have it all wrong. The problem is that their perception of christians and how they themselves would choose to be portrayed is what is, in fact, inaccurate. This show has it pretty well right on the frickin' nose, if you ask me. If you don't like it, guess what? Nobody is going to tie you up, staple your eyelids open and force you to watch the show. You shouldn't be watching TV anyway. Go study some more bible passages that you can memorize and quote when they suit you next. At least they don't have the main character, a priest, molesting boys and whatnot as has been done in real life. This being in the show would be accurate, mind you. They at least preserved you SOME dignity, did they not?
Poor Bushie Pooh
The economy is on the rise, they say! 300,000 new jobs in the last couple of months! Unemployment is down (though just barely)! Of course, no sooner than the numbers came out did Bush appear on TV giving a speech taking credit for everything. I didn't see him taking the blame for all the American jobs being outsourced to other countries when plants shut down across the country. I didn't see him take any blame when gas prices were $3.20. Bush, you had nothing to do with any new jobs that may have popped up recently. Sorry to burst your bubble. Your tax cuts had nothing to do with it. While you continue to give more tax breaks to the rich and richer and all your friends praise you for it, people barely making it by are having to deal with tax increases for things like the child tax credit which once paid nearly 2k but now only pays 600 bux. And the money you took from programs like food stamps? I know people who have to borrow money from other people so they can feed their kids because they were denied food stamps. I'm sure the money went to feeding kids in other countries, however. But hey, way to go on that economy thing though.
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