Friday, March 17, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Gas Prices: What a Load of Crap
In the beginning of Winter, gas pump prices started to go down a little, then they rose again and when they rose the "analysts" on TV said it was because of the demand for natural gas going into the colder winter season. At the time, I questioned "what the hell does natural gas have to do with gasoline prices?" Now, gas prices are going back up again and the analysts say it's because of the upcoming spring season and the anticipated increase in demand that the warmer weather brings. Key note: warmer weather. So now I question; since the weather is warmer, the demand for natural gas will go down. Now THEY say "What the hell does natural gas have to do with gasoline prices?". They say the prices are raising because of "anticipated increase in demand". So by their own admission, the increase in demand is anticpiated. Not that the increase is going on right now, but that the increase in demand is expected. Ok, so that doesn't explain why gas prices are getting higher right NOW. Price gauging because of increased demand is always explained away as "Oh well we have an increased demand and it's a market value thing". That reminds me of Valentine's Day. Roses go from 10 bux a dozen to 50 bux a dozen. As though the flower sellers are surprised by an increased demand for roses. Valentine's Day sneaks right up on them EVERY year. Yeah right. Then they say "oh it's the increased demand". Guess what. They grow more roses in "anticipation" for the increased demand for roses. You can go on Valentine's Day to any flower shop in town and still find plenty of roses for sale. There is never a shortness of supply for them. It's called price gauging, folks. The same exact thing happens with gas prices. They always have plenty of supply to go around. You can go to any gas station at any given time and find plenty of gas (except during tragedies in some areas, of course) yet the gas prices will rise as more people buy gas. Price gouging.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
You may have heard a new song by a relatively new artist Rihanna played on the radio called “SOS”. I’ve heard it a few times on the radio and it’s a fine song. What struck me was the radio announcer saying “You guys have been asking for this song all day and here it is! SOS by Rihanna! This song sure it catchy with a familiar tune that if you haven’t heard yet, here’s your chance…get ready!” Guess what, dickhead. That familiar tune? Yeah, that’s Tainted Love by Soft Cell which has been remade by probably a dozen people since the original. My personal favorite is the Marilyn Manson version. Anyway, this song “SOS” has no originality to it at all obviously re using a classic sound from Tainted Love and the vocals are not impressive in the least bit. Rihanna pretty much talks through the entire song and in the rare occasion that she makes an attempt at singing, she does a terrible job. So what is the appeal to this song, I wonder...well Rihanna is hot and she’s marketable and a lot of money has been put into getting her air time on the radio and a lot of photo shoots and so forth. It’s sort of like Britney Spears. When was the last time you heard a new Britney Spears song on the radio? A year? 2 years? I couldn’t even tell you, yet she’s on the cover of every magazine, tabloid and TV gossip show in the world. She had a baby, got married, supposedly had marriage problems, supposedly doesn’t have marriage problems, supposedly pregnant again. She drove around being chased by paparazzi and tried to get away in a hurry to protect her baby from the vultures and she accidentally drove a little ways with her baby in her lap and they try to blame Britney for it. Ok ok…so that news story made national news and it was on the national TV news and I’m like WTF yall. The girl has no talent, is not very attractive, is pretty stupid, is married to a stupid guy…end of fucking story. Get over it now would you? Ok thanks. I’m tired of hearing about this talentless hairball. I don’t buy those magazines and I don’t buy those tabloids and I don’t watch those TV channels. In all my efforts to avoid stories about Britney Spears, the only place I can turn to without Britney Spears is…you know what I’m going to say…the radio.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Getting Better at Bowling I Guess...
I don't feel like I'm doing anything new, but I've been bowling alot better in the last few weeks than I have really all year. I shot a 756, 722, 713, 712 in the past 2 weeks. The 756 was decent, but the other three I felt like I got ripped off on alot of balls that should have been strikes. Especially in the 712. I just shot that tonight and man I had alot of sticks. I left 4 7 pins, 3 10 pins, 2 8 pins, a lot of 6 pins...all in crucial spots like after 3 or 4 strikes in a row. It sucked. Series could have been close to an 800 with a little love tonight..but ahh well...
Sunday, March 05, 2006
The History of our Future
Edgar Cayce was a psychic who said that the people of Atlantis ruled the world and had full knowledge of the working powers of the universe. It was abuse of the powers that this knowledge provide that was, in the end, the undoing of the Atlantean people. He predicted that the "Hall of Records", a complete history of the people of Atlantis would be discovered near the right front paw of the Sphinx in Egypt. Recently, a chamber and many underground tunnels have been discovered in area around the right front paw of the Sphinx, but the chamber has yet to be cleared and explored. The scientists involved in the project do know there is a chamber there and that there is something in it. Interesting eh. Cayce also said that the chamber would be opened when the light once again rose from the sea and settled between the paws of the Sphinx. In Mayan history, this would seem to refer to the constellation of Leo which last sat between the paws of the Sphinx over 26 thousand years ago when the Sun is aligned by view from the earth, with the center of our galaxy. This same event is scheduled to happen once again during the year of 2012, which is also the end of the earth according to the Mayan calendar.
As you can see, these events are all connected and shall happen at the same time and/or be the event or result of events that cause or are caused by each other. Cayce also said that these events would coincide with the second coming of Christ. Well...ok. Here we go. This is what happens.
Leo will be between the paws of the Sphinx and at the same time, the tablets of the Hall of Records of the Atlanteans will be discovered, but only HALF the records will be found. There will be information pointing to where the second Hall of Records is which is somewhere off the coast of Panama or near Bermuda. We will soon find out. The knowledge gained by these tablets will enlighten all of manking and we will all be in possession of the knowledge of all working powers in the universe. It will truly be a unification of all of mankind and we will all come together in peace and harmony. As you may know from religions readings, it is in this time, that it is said that the second coming of Christ will occur. This too will happen but it will not happen in the way traditionally believed it will. Christ will not be who we have all come to expect and this will not result in the end of the Earth. With our new technologies and understandings of the workings of the universe, interstellar travel will become common place over the next several hundred years and interaction with species from other worlds will be the norm. As we will find from the teachings of the Atlantean people, they were in fact originally from other worlds and there are only a few places left on Earth that have the necessary environmental and electomagnetic mandates for interstellar travel to occur. On of these locations is Stone Henge. Other locations are in the middle of the Atlantic ocean where Atlantis existed, a location in Antarctica, a location in the Mediterranean Sea, South Africa, South America, a place in Alabama, and several places in Canada and Mexico and Central America. Much like the Stargate from the movie and TV shows.
Exciting eh? You have no idea.
As you can see, these events are all connected and shall happen at the same time and/or be the event or result of events that cause or are caused by each other. Cayce also said that these events would coincide with the second coming of Christ. Well...ok. Here we go. This is what happens.
Leo will be between the paws of the Sphinx and at the same time, the tablets of the Hall of Records of the Atlanteans will be discovered, but only HALF the records will be found. There will be information pointing to where the second Hall of Records is which is somewhere off the coast of Panama or near Bermuda. We will soon find out. The knowledge gained by these tablets will enlighten all of manking and we will all be in possession of the knowledge of all working powers in the universe. It will truly be a unification of all of mankind and we will all come together in peace and harmony. As you may know from religions readings, it is in this time, that it is said that the second coming of Christ will occur. This too will happen but it will not happen in the way traditionally believed it will. Christ will not be who we have all come to expect and this will not result in the end of the Earth. With our new technologies and understandings of the workings of the universe, interstellar travel will become common place over the next several hundred years and interaction with species from other worlds will be the norm. As we will find from the teachings of the Atlantean people, they were in fact originally from other worlds and there are only a few places left on Earth that have the necessary environmental and electomagnetic mandates for interstellar travel to occur. On of these locations is Stone Henge. Other locations are in the middle of the Atlantic ocean where Atlantis existed, a location in Antarctica, a location in the Mediterranean Sea, South Africa, South America, a place in Alabama, and several places in Canada and Mexico and Central America. Much like the Stargate from the movie and TV shows.
Exciting eh? You have no idea.
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