Monday, July 31, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Andrea Yates found Not Guilty? What?
If you intentionally kill someone (and you're not in a war or something), then clearly you are insane. That should not be an excuse for killing someone and therefore you should not be set free for saying you were insane when you killed a person. Obviously you were insane. That's not debateable. She kills her 5 children then goes free? Uhhh....yeah she may have been extremely stressed out about her life and having 5 bratty kids that were running her life and she couldn't do anything else with the rest of her life but take care of these kids and nobody would listen to her problems and her husband didn't see what was going on or the seriousness of it or whatever. So she killed her kids. Set her free because of her problem? I don't think so... YET in another case, a guy named Ryan Ferguson is convicted of murder because his friend had a dream that he did it? What the
FUCK ladies and gentlemen?
FUCK ladies and gentlemen?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Thank God for Dead Soldiers? What?
When I see these people protesting whatever they are protesting with their signs that say things like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "Thank God for IEDs" and "God Hates Fags", I can't understand what these people are protesting. Are they protesting homosexual soldiers? Are they protesting the war? Are they protesting gay wars? Are they protesting the United States? It makes no sense "Thank God for dead soldiers". The only thing good that has come from dead soldiers is some of the great advancements that have been made in the world throughout history because of battles that were fought and won such as our independance. Thank god for the soldiers who gave their lives to fight for that. But I really don't think these protesters down town are coming from that point of view. If I had a gun, I would walk up to them and say "Thank god for bullets" and pull the trigger.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My Blog Heading
Some people have asked me how I got my "[NFBS]MORG's" text to move like it does. It's a simple CSS style script that I found on Dynamic Drive. Enjoy!
Renaissance Festival!!
So I went to the Renaissance Festival yesterday. I go every year actually. At least for the last 3 years. It's basically a re-creation of a villiage in medieval times. There are many vendors selling items many of which are of their own making. There are many many food vendors nearly all of which are of their own making. However, do not get the "smothered burrito". I ordered one and it turned out to be a goddamned microwave Juan's burrito with some crappy hot sauce on it. After hours of research, I've come to find out that they didn't have mexican food in old town England back in medieval times. If they actually did, it's not well documented and obviously the recipes didn't survive the trek through the generations. Ahhh well. I had FOUR of the famous "Steak on a Stake". They are soooo good. They wouldn't tell me what kind of seasoning they use. Bastards. I also had some Lynchbourg Jack Daniel's Lemonade. Great stuff. They also have great pizza there which I wasn't aware existed back then. Lestat bought himself a bow and arrow. I have no idea how he knew they were going to have bows and arrows there. We told him that if he bought it right away that we weren't going to carry it around for him all day so he might as well wait until we were on our way out. He insisted he buy it right away so that's what we did. Not 10 minutes later he wanted me to carry it for him. I explained to him that I would not carry it but he did not have to carry it either. He became confused. I explained to him that he had the option of storing it in the garbage can and on the way out he could get it out of the garbage can and take it home. He thought about it briefly then decided that it would not be the best option. He carried it the rest of the day without much fuss. He was good all day. The only thing he did that upset his mother was that he threw away one of those orange ice things. They were sharing it. He decided for them both that they were done eating it and he threw it away while she wasn't looking. I thought it was pretty funny. She did not. I must say I was highly satisfied with the food I had. I was very happy with it. I will be sure to go there again next year. Some how, I spent 120 bux there. I'm not sure where the money all went. I know some went to my Steaks on a Stakes. Some went toward food and drink for Lestat and Juanita. As for the rest, I have no clue. It disappeared. Ahh well. We all had a good time. The only thing of concern that popped up was a very odd smell coming from my car's engine compartment. I have no idea what it is. All my fluids are full and there are no leaks. I'm thinking it might be an animal that crawled up there and died because the smell can be easily detected after the car had been off for several hours. Even the next day it continues to bother my senses. I have some car maintenance scheduled for Wednesday. Perhaps they'll discover the culprit then. Out.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Rockstar Supernova. Possible New Leaf
So it came down to a guy and a girl in the final 2 on elmination night this week and they actually voted off the girl. I was so in shock I still haven't eaten or showered. I have urinated a few times however. I'll be ok. Thanks for the concern. Last week, it came down to a guy that kicked ass (for the first time) and a girl that sucked ass from the start and continued to suck ass on elmination night. I mean she did horrible. Yet they kicked off the guy that brought the house down. I thought it was just because the chick was hot, but they kicked off another chick that is relatively hot. Personally, I think they already know who is going to win the competition. For example, the audience votes for the bottom 3 which means simply that Supernova has to vote off one of the 3. They can simply choose not to vote off the person they want in their band no matter how many times they end up in the bottom 3. Makes the audience think they are actually making a difference but they're not. Clever show idea. I'm glad about the members of Supernova. The show is "Rockstar Supernova". The show "Rockstar INXS" was a stupid name because INXS was never a rockband. Not in my opinion anyway. They were always pop. This new band will definitely be rock.
My pick: The australian guy. He's the only one who has any real personality and has the voice to back it all up.
My pick: The australian guy. He's the only one who has any real personality and has the voice to back it all up.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Recently Played Games Review
I can't always make a review about a new game. Often, so many games come out that I never catch wind of that I never play until much later. Like this "Frogger" game. You're a little frog jumping through traffic...ok ok...fine. I'll be more serious. Just kidding. Or am I. Or am I not? Just kidding. Or am I? Maybe.
PREY: This is going to be GAME OF THE YEAR!! in my opinion. I've played it for about 4 hours so far. I couldn't stop playing. I really shouldn't have started playing at 1 am when I installed it. Honestly, I have a couple games in my closet that I bought last year some time that I still haven't installed. Tiger Woods 06 for example. I played it on the XBOX 360 after I bought it for the PC and realized I wasn't really interested in it because of a putting/chipping exploit that everyone online takes advantage of. Really turned me away from the game. Then I found Shot Online Golf and found it to be a fascinating game that I continue to play on nearly a daily basis. I'm currently a level 35 soon to be 36. You have to be a level 41 to try out for the Semi-Pro level which I look forward to doing sometime in October or November at my current rate of progression. I'm already alot better than alot of semi-pros and full pros out there. Typically, I normally win rounds of golf against just about anyone. What was this review about? Oh yeah...PREY. Let's start over.
PREY: Yeah, it's a first person shooter game. An FPS. There was DOOM. Then came all the DOOM clones. Over the years, once in a tremendously great while, there is some great innovation that comes along and blows away all other FPS games that came before it. Some new niche that is exploited and really makes the game better. Halo 2 is a great example of this. Counterstrike is another example. Then usually there are a ton of clones that are made of those games. Call of Duty/Call of Duty 2 are both great games. Battlefield 2 is called a great game though I'm not a huge fan of it because I suck at it. PREY has made yet another huge leap. Basically, you are on board a huge alien space station fighting your way through to save your girlfriend from impending death. Your uncle is killed very early in the game but continues to help you through the spirit world which you find yourself a part of. You don't actually die in the game. You have to fight your way through the spirit world by destroying the dishonored dead. This restores your mortal body to a point that you return to the battle field to continue murdering aliens. Sweet. It doesn't hurt that you have a done of awesome alien weapons to help you along the way. One of the most innovative features in this game is the gravity thingamajiggers. I don't know the real name for them. I'll call them GTs from here on. You shoot the GTs. Some are on the walls while others are on the ceilings. When you shoot them, the gravity that effects you becomes relative to the orientation of the GTs. So you'll find yourself walking on what was before the ceiling or was a wall. You can already imagine how these would come into play in multiplayer games. You HAVE to learn how to take advantage of these GTs in the game in order to progress through single player. You simply can't make it from one side of a room, for example, to another without using these GTs. Another thing you have to utilize is your spirit self. Basically you leave your mortal body temporarily to get to places that your mortal body cannot get to. Through fire, through a force field, across a bridge that you cannot see as a mortal being. As a spirit, you use your spirit bow and arrow to destroy enemies.
Another thing you have in this game is simply walls that you walk up and your gravity is relative to whatever way these walls take you. Once you leave the wall, however, your gravity goes back to whatever it was before you began climbing on the wall. Another thing you have in this game is worm hole type things you go through that in effect teleport you to other parts of the ship. Might be across the ship. Might be across the room. There may be several of these worm holes in a single room that all go different places. There are also captured humans that were apparently captured long before that help you along the way in different parts of the game.
You really need to play this game for yourself to truly understand how different this game is. The environment both inside and outside of the ship is very interactive. It reminds me a bit of Half Life 2 where you have so many things going on around you as you are minding your own business fighting through different levels of the game.
I highly recommend you play this game even if you aren't really into FPS type games. This game brings a whole new dimension. Literally. At least try the demo. Available on both PC and XBOX 360. The 360 version is very comparable graphics wise to the PC version.
PREY: This is going to be GAME OF THE YEAR!! in my opinion. I've played it for about 4 hours so far. I couldn't stop playing. I really shouldn't have started playing at 1 am when I installed it. Honestly, I have a couple games in my closet that I bought last year some time that I still haven't installed. Tiger Woods 06 for example. I played it on the XBOX 360 after I bought it for the PC and realized I wasn't really interested in it because of a putting/chipping exploit that everyone online takes advantage of. Really turned me away from the game. Then I found Shot Online Golf and found it to be a fascinating game that I continue to play on nearly a daily basis. I'm currently a level 35 soon to be 36. You have to be a level 41 to try out for the Semi-Pro level which I look forward to doing sometime in October or November at my current rate of progression. I'm already alot better than alot of semi-pros and full pros out there. Typically, I normally win rounds of golf against just about anyone. What was this review about? Oh yeah...PREY. Let's start over.
PREY: Yeah, it's a first person shooter game. An FPS. There was DOOM. Then came all the DOOM clones. Over the years, once in a tremendously great while, there is some great innovation that comes along and blows away all other FPS games that came before it. Some new niche that is exploited and really makes the game better. Halo 2 is a great example of this. Counterstrike is another example. Then usually there are a ton of clones that are made of those games. Call of Duty/Call of Duty 2 are both great games. Battlefield 2 is called a great game though I'm not a huge fan of it because I suck at it. PREY has made yet another huge leap. Basically, you are on board a huge alien space station fighting your way through to save your girlfriend from impending death. Your uncle is killed very early in the game but continues to help you through the spirit world which you find yourself a part of. You don't actually die in the game. You have to fight your way through the spirit world by destroying the dishonored dead. This restores your mortal body to a point that you return to the battle field to continue murdering aliens. Sweet. It doesn't hurt that you have a done of awesome alien weapons to help you along the way. One of the most innovative features in this game is the gravity thingamajiggers. I don't know the real name for them. I'll call them GTs from here on. You shoot the GTs. Some are on the walls while others are on the ceilings. When you shoot them, the gravity that effects you becomes relative to the orientation of the GTs. So you'll find yourself walking on what was before the ceiling or was a wall. You can already imagine how these would come into play in multiplayer games. You HAVE to learn how to take advantage of these GTs in the game in order to progress through single player. You simply can't make it from one side of a room, for example, to another without using these GTs. Another thing you have to utilize is your spirit self. Basically you leave your mortal body temporarily to get to places that your mortal body cannot get to. Through fire, through a force field, across a bridge that you cannot see as a mortal being. As a spirit, you use your spirit bow and arrow to destroy enemies.
Another thing you have in this game is simply walls that you walk up and your gravity is relative to whatever way these walls take you. Once you leave the wall, however, your gravity goes back to whatever it was before you began climbing on the wall. Another thing you have in this game is worm hole type things you go through that in effect teleport you to other parts of the ship. Might be across the ship. Might be across the room. There may be several of these worm holes in a single room that all go different places. There are also captured humans that were apparently captured long before that help you along the way in different parts of the game.
You really need to play this game for yourself to truly understand how different this game is. The environment both inside and outside of the ship is very interactive. It reminds me a bit of Half Life 2 where you have so many things going on around you as you are minding your own business fighting through different levels of the game.
I highly recommend you play this game even if you aren't really into FPS type games. This game brings a whole new dimension. Literally. At least try the demo. Available on both PC and XBOX 360. The 360 version is very comparable graphics wise to the PC version.
New Post
I've been scolded for not updating my blog recently. Here you go. You know who you are. Enjoy the new post! ....just kidding..I really am going to post some new stuff. About the war going on.....later.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Star Jones Leaves the View. Millions Saddened.
So Star Jones' contract with The View (actually shouldn't be called THE View. Should just be called "The View of a Bunch of Old Ladies") was not renewed and she was shocked and felt like she was fired....oh wait a minute...what's that? Oh...nobody cares? Oh ok...nevermind then...
Academy Gamers LAN July 06
Much fun was had by all at the latest Academy Gamers LAN. We had around 50 people show up and we played lots of different games such as Jedi Academy, Wings of War, Unreal Tournament 2k4, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 1 and 2, along with some other games. Most of my time was spent on UT 2K4. Funny thing is, I never play the game online. I only play it at the LAN. Always a ton of fun to be had in a good game of CTF. In Wings of War, we had about 15 people playing CTF and Windsock (you try to shoot down the guy carrying the windsock behind his plane). Funny to watch 14 guys all chasing and shooting 1 other guy. He doesn't usually last too long with that windsock. In UT 2k4 we usually play the mutated version with the laser rifles that can shoot instantly across the entire map to snipe people in their base before they have a chance to break free and try to get your flag.
There was also a barbecue with burgers and brats. There was also ice cream, plenty of chips and dip, and plenty of drinks to go around. Academy Gamers has several sponsors that offer items to give away as game and door prizes. We usually hold tournaments for several games such as Counterstrike 2v2 games. If you are an avid PC gamer in Colorado Springs, you should definitely check out their website. If you plan to come, expect to be there awhile. Gaming starts at 9am and ends around 10pm. Time flies by when you're having a good time. That's for sure.
There was also a barbecue with burgers and brats. There was also ice cream, plenty of chips and dip, and plenty of drinks to go around. Academy Gamers has several sponsors that offer items to give away as game and door prizes. We usually hold tournaments for several games such as Counterstrike 2v2 games. If you are an avid PC gamer in Colorado Springs, you should definitely check out their website. If you plan to come, expect to be there awhile. Gaming starts at 9am and ends around 10pm. Time flies by when you're having a good time. That's for sure.
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