I read on CNN that some nuns are being evicted to help pay for law suits brought on because of priests sexually abusing children. I can imagine how the conversation went. "I fucked some kids and now they want money so you have to move out." The priests do something like that and the nuns have to pay for it? WTF?
I also read about an "accidental shooting" where some kids skipped school and went to this dude's house and he was playing with his dad's gun and it went off and a bullet hit one of the girls in the chest and killed her. They are saying it's an accident. Ok so the gun went off by "accident". Was it also by accident that the gun fell into this kid's hands and an "accident" that he was playing with his dad's gun and an "accident" that it was loaded and an "accident" that his dad didn't keep the gun locked up or hidden from his kid?