Wednesday, August 31, 2005
This just in! A bunch of Iraqis were scared because there was a rumor about a possible suicide bomber in the area, which could maybe have killed 5-15 people, so they all ran and trampled each other to get across a bridge, killing 695 people. So, as you can see, actual suicide bombers aren't anywhere near as effective as someone just saying there is a suicide bomber. So I guess the terrorists have a new weapon...their mouths. Yeah, I don't think we're going to be leaving this country any time soon, folks.
Friday, August 26, 2005
In some "religious" magic, it's said that the magic only works if it's believed that it will work. If you don't believe it, then it has no effect. The more people who believe it, the more powerful the magic becomes. Curses, for example, I believe are possibly real. One person alone can be powerful enough to invoke a curse on someone. A group of people working together with alot of emotion involved in cursing someone can have a much more dramatic effect. What do you think? Bullshit right? Well some people were skeptics before someone cursed them and suddenly they believe. Now did bad things happen because they thought they were maybe cursed or did they just happen because shit happens to people once in awhile? You'll have to speculate.
As for vampirism, I know it exists. "Vampires" in the traditional sense is just nonsense. People who burst into flames when they are exposed to the sun, for example, is not something that is real. People who drink blood though, yes. Why do these people drink blood? Because they think they're vampires. Vampires aren't scary at all because they don't exist. However, people who THINK they are vampires are very frightening to me. So in a sense, because they BELIEVE they really are vampires, their beliefs make vampires exist. When you have a large group of people who think they are vampires and they form some sort of congregation, they become more powerful in their beliefs and thus become more frightening. You may have seen these people at some "underground" club before. Or at the mall in the "Hot Topic" type shops buying gothic style clothing or spikes or whatever. Not all of those people think they are vampires of course and are not scary. But imagine being abducted and held prisoner by someone who wanted to eat your flesh and drink your blood because they believed they had to to survive. That, I think, you would find to be a hell of a situation.
As for vampirism, I know it exists. "Vampires" in the traditional sense is just nonsense. People who burst into flames when they are exposed to the sun, for example, is not something that is real. People who drink blood though, yes. Why do these people drink blood? Because they think they're vampires. Vampires aren't scary at all because they don't exist. However, people who THINK they are vampires are very frightening to me. So in a sense, because they BELIEVE they really are vampires, their beliefs make vampires exist. When you have a large group of people who think they are vampires and they form some sort of congregation, they become more powerful in their beliefs and thus become more frightening. You may have seen these people at some "underground" club before. Or at the mall in the "Hot Topic" type shops buying gothic style clothing or spikes or whatever. Not all of those people think they are vampires of course and are not scary. But imagine being abducted and held prisoner by someone who wanted to eat your flesh and drink your blood because they believed they had to to survive. That, I think, you would find to be a hell of a situation.
Morning After Pill
I just watched a story in the news about the Morning After Pill, something about the FDA wanting to keep it out of the hands of young people. The thing is, there are alot of teenagers younger than 17 that are out there having sex. None of them with me, unfortunately. However, the issue is that they might need it just as bad as an adult would in fact even more so since adults should typically be more responsible in their actions which would not require a morning after pill. However, I understand the complaint that young people would use the pill on a daily basis. Basically, just do whatever they want the night before, and pop a pill in the morning and that would be the way of things. Yeah, there are going to be issues like that if the pill was sold to anyone at any age. The question is, would that policy hurt more than it would help? I don't believe so. I really think this issue is for women to worry about. I understand a guy might like his girlfriend or wife to have these pills just in case. That's fine. As for me, the only "morning after" pill I never needed was an Excedrin.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Back from Illinois!
Ok I'm back in Colorado Springs now. It really was time to come back. I'm refreshed and ready to go, I feel. I just needed a couple weeks of doing nothing and having nothing on my mind. It was great. I'm ready to tackle all my problems here and things I need to take care of. I really don't have much, but what I do have I'm ready for now. I don't feel overwhelmed at all like I did before I went on vacation. Everything is really looking up for me around here. Happy happy joy joy!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
We're Back On!!
Good news, Houston. The window is open, the lights are green and the trip is a go for leaving for Chicago tomorrow at approximately 5:00pm EST. Steve Martin, my shop chief from work has volunteered to give me a ride to the airport. Thank goodness for him. Ok I have to get things packed. Cya tomorrow...
Leaving for Vacation Tomorrow
I'll be flying out of Denver International Airport at about 3:00pm tomorrow afternoon...I hope. I've had three different people tell me they could give me a ride up to the airport. I mean, when I was trying to decide if I wanted to fly out of Colorado Springs (where I live) or Denver, there were probably 15 people who were eager to offer me rides to Denver if I chose that option. Where are those people now? Well as it got closer and closer to game time, I chose someone to ask to confirm a trip to the airport. That person is now out of state. So I asked another person and he said it was no problem at all and not to worry about it. He called back and said he was going to be in the hospital so he won't be able to make it now. My exwife then said she could do it and it was no problem to get the time off work to be able to do it. Of course, that didn't work out either. She says she might know someone somewhere who might be able to do it sometime. That's reliable. So here I am leaving tomorrow, trying to figure out just how the fuck I'm going to be getting to the airport. Everyone says "you can rent a car!" or "you can take the shuttle bus!" or "you can leave your car at long term parking". Look...if I wanted to spend an additional 100 bux or more, I would have just bought a goddamn ticket from the Colorado Springs airport. But no, I was thrifty so I "saved" 150 bux by flying out of Denver. Now it's going to end up costing me more money than a Colorado Springs ticket would have cost. Spending more money BEFORE I get to Chicago is going to mean less money I have while on Vacation. Just about everyone I know works on Mondays so they are out of the question. They can't or won't get off work to take me to the Airport. I wouldn't ask people to lose work just for me anyway. The people I know that don't work on Mondays don't work at all and don't have a car so they can't drive me. The people I would trust driving me in my own car and returning it safely don't know how to drive stick. So now I have to be all stressed out about how to get to the airport. Isn't this fun...
Friday, August 05, 2005
What Do You Think?
People are aware of evolution and growth. When you are told something, you learn it. When someone is taught something at a very young age, they believe it until one day they may come upon some awesome truth that changes forever their very beliefs of what is true. It might shake and rattle them. Imagine if you could go up to a priest and show them definitive proof that God did not exist. Every thing that that priest has believed true for the entirety of his life has been stripped away from him. That's quite frightening to him and to anyone else who might have to experience something of that magnitude one day. "Guess what everyone! 2+2=3 and I can prove it!". Yes, some things are just silly. Others not so much.
Humans are the only beings on Earth that can comprehend the end of the Earth on which they live. We are aware of the very real possibility of nuclear obliteration or the Earth being destroyed by an asteroid. Again, people aren't just born with these ideas in their heads. These ideas are taught and some ideas originally devised from emperical evidence and prior history such as a giant crater. We've seen videos of nuclear blasts from a single nuclear weapon and we're told that every U.S. submarine carries around with them enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world twice over and so forth. Are you scared? No, not really. I can walk up to an ant hill and destroy it and kill hundreds of ants with a single foot. They had no idea of the possibility of their dirt hole being destroyed by a giant foot while hundreds of their coworkers are brutally killed. How absurd this must be to them! Could you possibly imagine your house being destroyed by a giant foot? No...
No one person possesses all the knowledge of any other one person. Everyone has their own experiences, emotions and formulations thereof. On a more simple level, people in school take different classes and some pay attention more than others in those classes and some study more and some simply get more out of the class. Yet all the knowledge of any one person has never been known by any other one person who ever lived, however all general knowledge such as physics, science and other subjects has been known by man far back in history and we now are just beginning to scratch the surface again. This knowledge gained by ancient man was not disseminated well. Scrolls were destroyed or lost. There was no internet, so mass book publications. If you wanted to learn any about of knowledge, you had to go to the best schools in the land or learn all you could from the wise man at the edge of town. I would argue that the knowledge I can gain from one week spent on the internet is equal to that of a well educated college man four hundred years ago. Everything that I know today will never be known by anyone else unless I tell it to them or it might take thousands of years before someone else discovers something that I discover today. If I were to create an art piece, nobody could ever duplicate it exactly. They might try...they might come close. It will never be the same.
In all of our greatness that we have developed into the world of mankind, we still have thousands of years to go before some of the most simple ideas of existence are known by all and understood and lived by.
Government programs, for example, are so ineffecient. Wellfare for people who abuse drugs and use the money for things other than it's purpose. People who smoke crack while they have ten children and get government assistance while they enjoy cell phones and cable television and nice cars. At the same time, single mothers who can't get anyone to lift a fucking finger to help find a dead beat dad who has never payed a cent to child support, are denied housing benefits because they only have one kid instead of ten and because they didn't smoke crack and don't do drugs.
Humans are the only beings on Earth that can comprehend the end of the Earth on which they live. We are aware of the very real possibility of nuclear obliteration or the Earth being destroyed by an asteroid. Again, people aren't just born with these ideas in their heads. These ideas are taught and some ideas originally devised from emperical evidence and prior history such as a giant crater. We've seen videos of nuclear blasts from a single nuclear weapon and we're told that every U.S. submarine carries around with them enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world twice over and so forth. Are you scared? No, not really. I can walk up to an ant hill and destroy it and kill hundreds of ants with a single foot. They had no idea of the possibility of their dirt hole being destroyed by a giant foot while hundreds of their coworkers are brutally killed. How absurd this must be to them! Could you possibly imagine your house being destroyed by a giant foot? No...
No one person possesses all the knowledge of any other one person. Everyone has their own experiences, emotions and formulations thereof. On a more simple level, people in school take different classes and some pay attention more than others in those classes and some study more and some simply get more out of the class. Yet all the knowledge of any one person has never been known by any other one person who ever lived, however all general knowledge such as physics, science and other subjects has been known by man far back in history and we now are just beginning to scratch the surface again. This knowledge gained by ancient man was not disseminated well. Scrolls were destroyed or lost. There was no internet, so mass book publications. If you wanted to learn any about of knowledge, you had to go to the best schools in the land or learn all you could from the wise man at the edge of town. I would argue that the knowledge I can gain from one week spent on the internet is equal to that of a well educated college man four hundred years ago. Everything that I know today will never be known by anyone else unless I tell it to them or it might take thousands of years before someone else discovers something that I discover today. If I were to create an art piece, nobody could ever duplicate it exactly. They might try...they might come close. It will never be the same.
In all of our greatness that we have developed into the world of mankind, we still have thousands of years to go before some of the most simple ideas of existence are known by all and understood and lived by.
Government programs, for example, are so ineffecient. Wellfare for people who abuse drugs and use the money for things other than it's purpose. People who smoke crack while they have ten children and get government assistance while they enjoy cell phones and cable television and nice cars. At the same time, single mothers who can't get anyone to lift a fucking finger to help find a dead beat dad who has never payed a cent to child support, are denied housing benefits because they only have one kid instead of ten and because they didn't smoke crack and don't do drugs.
500 Words About the Wall
As I sit and look at the wall, many things flow through my head. When you look at the wall, you aren't really focusing on the wall at all, but instead are thinking about your day or what you need to get done before it's over. You're thinking about the stresses in your daily life. Let me focus, for a moment, on the wall. It's white. Right away, I notice the unique texture of the wall simply from the rollers used to paint the wall and the dripping paint where the painter was in a bit of a hurry. I look at the textures all around the wall and I can see designs hidden in there. I can see faces and animals. Some of them even look familiar while others I imagine might be a new animal yet to be discovered by scientists deep in some South American rain forest. I think about where God might have gotten the ideas for some of the animals he created. Maybe he stared at a wall and looked for ideas. Maybe he looked at the clouds. As I reach out and touch the wall, I feel it's spectacular texture. I enjoy the way it feels flowing past my gentle touch. I imagine it must feel a bit like how braille feels to blind people. I've touched braille and I can't imagine how it could make any sense at all to anyone who touched it to be able to make out a words and even sentences and paragraphs and entire books. I think blind people must have super sensitive fingertips to be able to decipher the meanings in the braille. I also imagine that, with their super sensitive fingertips, if they were to touch the very wall that I am touching, they would get alot more detail about the wall out of touching it than I do. They might be able to describe the micro canyons, mountains and valleys in the paint. They might even be able to tell me what type of paint it is based on other walls they have touched before. I realized that if I look at ten different walls, they are all going to look the same to me, but if I were to get up close to them and touch them the way I touched the first wall, they would all have their own very uniqueness about them. I imagine that if I were to paint a wall, I would put no thought into the designs on the wall. I wouldn't be thinking about someone else maybe one day looking at my painted wall and try to find things hidden in the paint and try to touch it and feel the textures. People don't care about the wall. Out of everything going on in people's busy lives today, the wall is the least of their concerns. And that is 500 Words About the Wall.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Hiking Again
Yeah I went back to the same trail to find a Letterbox that was hidden behind a rock. I found it and signed it. Here's my post about it. I also took some pictures this time. They are on my regular webspace. Click the link below.
7 Bridges Trail
Good Day!
7 Bridges Trail
Good Day!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Went Hiking Today
I went hiking on a trail that was called "Cheyenne Canyon Creek Trail" but someone else along the way told me it was called "Seven Bridges". I actually did a search for Cheyenne Canyon Creek Trail on yahoo and I got a response that also included "Seven Bridges" so I dunno. The actual sign on the trail said the first one so there. Besides, I turned back after I got to the 8th bridge...NOW WHAT??
It's quite an interesting trail. It was much longer than I thought it would be. I turned back after about 2 hours because I had to make it back in time for bowling tonight. The trail goes along Cheyenne Canon Creek the entire way (hence the name) so there is plenty of water to drink along the trail. There are also plenty of raspberries, which grow in abundance in the area. I came upon several large patches and ate my fill of them. The bridges mentioned above actually go back and forth across the creek. It's interesting that you actually walk over the creek every quarter mile or so. These are also good places to get a drink. I taught myself a trick using an umbrella to get a drink. Basically, you dip it upside down into the water then you can drink from it like a big cup. Don't put too much water in it or it becomes quite unstable...but works. {Insert Rant}Is it just me or does Kari Wuhrer (now on General Hospital) look WAY different from how she looked back in the day? I'm not just talking age wise...I think she had some work done or something.{End Rant}
So the trail was fantastic, blah blah blah. I went bowling tonight also. It was the last night of the summer adult/youth league. My team won for the 3rd straight year, just barely edgeing out the competition. We had to beat the team 3-1 or better to win. We did beat them 3-1. For anyone who is curious, there are 4 points. 1 for each game and 1 for total. So we won anyway...great.
When I got home, I decided to see what movies were on late. Felt like cathin' a movie by myself you know. I went and saw Stealth. The movie was great...blah blah blah. Seriously though, you should go see it if you like action movies 'n whatnot. It's just all just about a rogue's about the struggle of human nature. The real enemy in this movie is not the plane, but a human. Watch it and you'll see! :D Also, watch House of 1000 Corpses if you haven't already and then watch Devil's Rejects. Both are Rob Zombie movies and are basically parts 1 and 2 of the series though you don't have to watch the first one in order to figure out what's going on in Devil's Rejects. Good stuff if you like horror movies. The scariest part is there you just KNOW there are crazy assholes like the people in the movie that live in the backwoods in Tennesee or somethin'.
It's quite an interesting trail. It was much longer than I thought it would be. I turned back after about 2 hours because I had to make it back in time for bowling tonight. The trail goes along Cheyenne Canon Creek the entire way (hence the name) so there is plenty of water to drink along the trail. There are also plenty of raspberries, which grow in abundance in the area. I came upon several large patches and ate my fill of them. The bridges mentioned above actually go back and forth across the creek. It's interesting that you actually walk over the creek every quarter mile or so. These are also good places to get a drink. I taught myself a trick using an umbrella to get a drink. Basically, you dip it upside down into the water then you can drink from it like a big cup. Don't put too much water in it or it becomes quite unstable...but works. {Insert Rant}Is it just me or does Kari Wuhrer (now on General Hospital) look WAY different from how she looked back in the day? I'm not just talking age wise...I think she had some work done or something.{End Rant}
So the trail was fantastic, blah blah blah. I went bowling tonight also. It was the last night of the summer adult/youth league. My team won for the 3rd straight year, just barely edgeing out the competition. We had to beat the team 3-1 or better to win. We did beat them 3-1. For anyone who is curious, there are 4 points. 1 for each game and 1 for total. So we won anyway...great.
When I got home, I decided to see what movies were on late. Felt like cathin' a movie by myself you know. I went and saw Stealth. The movie was great...blah blah blah. Seriously though, you should go see it if you like action movies 'n whatnot. It's just all just about a rogue's about the struggle of human nature. The real enemy in this movie is not the plane, but a human. Watch it and you'll see! :D Also, watch House of 1000 Corpses if you haven't already and then watch Devil's Rejects. Both are Rob Zombie movies and are basically parts 1 and 2 of the series though you don't have to watch the first one in order to figure out what's going on in Devil's Rejects. Good stuff if you like horror movies. The scariest part is there you just KNOW there are crazy assholes like the people in the movie that live in the backwoods in Tennesee or somethin'.
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