What I Thought While on the Pot: October 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

School's Closed because of Snow!!! YAYYY!!!

Well...all the CHRISTIAN schools are closed anyway. I'm mean WTF...seriously.
There was a small snow storm today. Early in the morning. About 5 inches of snow. No big deal. However, most of the schools in the area were closed. Ok. That's good. I guess some of the side streets were slick or whatever. Tomorrow, it's supposed to be 62 degrees. Right now, the roads are wet in some spots and dry in others. It's about 45 degrees outside right now at nearly 11pm. There is no snow on the roads or anything. However, they just flashed on the bottom of the TV screen that there will be a few school closings tomorrow morning as well. Here's a short listing:
Holy Cross School of Christ
Colorado Springs Christian School
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Devine Holy School
Evangelical Christian School
etc etc etc.....
All the regular public schools are open.
EVERY Christian school in town is closed tomorrow!
I mean what the fuck people? Honestly. Why close THOSE schools? If every public school in the state were closed down, all the Christians schools should still be OPEN!! Why? GOD WILL PROTECT THEM!!!
So basically all the bullshit they teach the kids in school is null and void when it really comes down to it.
God will protect and save you! God loves his children!....Oh but don't try to get to school to learn more about god because you might get killed in a wreck...but that would be the devil's fault because God doesn't do bad things to good Christian people.
I saw another thing on the TV about this woman who adopted a kid and a little over a year later, she beat the kid until he died. Then one of the woman's friends says "I always knew her to be a good Christian mother". CHRISTIAN mother? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? So Christian people don't do bad things? How about those Catholic Priests that molest little boys?
So you want me to go to a church and have some guy who molests little children try to teach ME wright from motherFUCKING wrong????!?!?!?! HAHAAH!!!! If you think that's the way to be, then you must be Christian.

New Baby Pictures!!

Guy that Told on Foley Fire!!

So if someone shoots someone in the face with a shot gun and I turn in the guy to the cops, I could go to jail? What kind of fuckin' sense does that make? You see, this guy had a blog on which he told about emails that Foley sent to pages. Now the guy is fired. They say it was because he inappropriately used Human Rights resources to put the information on the blog. That's NOT the case, but even if it were, so what? If someone is burning in a building and I kick in the door, am I going to get sued for replacement of the door? I mean WTF. Seriously.
What really happened is that in this day and age, gays in positions of power (mostly doggy style), stick together with other gays. It's a gay version of the "Good Ol' Boy" network. They fired the guy who posted on the blog to get back at him for causing all of these problems for one of their gay leaders.
However, the issue here isn't that Foley was gay. The issue was that he is a gay pedophile. So I guess gays and pedophiles go hand in hand. I mean I never felt that way myself, but they are proving that the be the truth all by themselves.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tough Guys

Everyone's a tough guy nowadays. I was in a room working on some computers with a few other guys, most of which I didn't know. This one guy in particular was maybe 18 years old and he asked me if we could link up our machines so that we could transfer some files from my system to his. I told him there was no NIC in the machine he was on so we wouldn't be able to hook up yet. I told him there were some NICs in a box in a closet that he could get. So he got one and put it in and got it installed he came over to me and told me he got the NIC installed but he couldn't connect to me. I told him I would take a look at his machine in a minute after I got done working on what I was working on. He pops off with "Ummm, MY machine is fine. I installed the NIC and I know what I'm doing. I've been doing this since I was a kid". He said it all rude like. I said "Since you were a kid? So you've only been doing this for 2 weeks?" He started to get in my face like he was some sort of big tough guy. He started up with "You don't know me, son. You don't know where I'm from!!" I told him that I didn't care what preppie neighborhood he lives in with his parents, but he better go sit down at his machine and wait.
Of course, it turns out that his machine WAS fine. It was the operator that didn't know what the fuck he was doing. So I fixed his shit and then he says "Don't talk to me like that again." I was already pissed off at this guy so I jumped his shit and got in his face and was like "WTF you gonna do, SON? You gonna tell yo daddy and get him to come down and get his ass kicked too?" I was spittin' in his face 'n whatnot when I yelled at him. He looked like a rat about to get eaten by a snake. The fear of god was in his eyes. Hopefully he'll think twice when he gets an attitude with someone next time. Not everyone is as nice as I am... :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tag is DANGEROUS!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I just heard somethin' on TV about some schools banning the game Tag from being played by children in the schoolyard. I mean damn...you got kids growing up these days that aren't allowed to play tag? Oh no...you can go and play XBOX all day but god forbid you play Tag. It's too dangerous. Kids could get hurt. Kids could get hurt on sharp edges at hallway interesections too. Better make them all rounded. I'm going to write my governor about this.
Something that REALLY should be banned is tetherball. I mean you hit it, right...and it comes back around. It's like, on a rope. It swings around the pole and someone could get hit in the back of the head. I know that at every single school I ever went to, tetherball was already banned apparently because none of the tetherballs were there anymore. Maybe tetherballs are just really really expensive. Yeah that's probably it.

Not Good Enough

I was reading a story on CNN news about a 25 year old drunk guy that drove his truck the wrong way down the highway for 2 miles before crashing head on into a wedding limo, killing the driver and decapitating the 7 year old flower girl. He was convicted and sentenced to 25 years. 25 years? That's it? Defense said that he was just a drunk kid that got lost on his way home. Uhmmmm...no. You see, he chose to drink all those drinks. He chose to get drunk as hell. Then he CHOSE to get behind the wheel and drive. For those choices that he made, someone is now without their father and someone is now without their 7 year old daughter. The girl's mother held her daughter's decapitated head in her hands as she screamed after the accident. 25 years? That's not good enough. In fact, no amount of time is good enough. If it were my daughter that was killed like that by that guy, the only thing that would make me start to feel better would be to be able to beat that guy's ass to death with my bare hands. Nothing else would feel like he got what he deserved.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Them Smart Folk

When people who think they are smart say something that they think is very clever, they tend to blink alot.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

When Fat People Cry

When fat people cry, they look really goofy.

Protect Existence

Yes, Amish children have been destroyed. Not just the ones who were killed, but the entire community. The parents and the people of the Amish community try their best to raise their children in the manner of the Amish. Personally I've never understood the Amish. So they don't like technology? Well no that's not it. They like technology, just the technology that was around in the 1800s.
Anyway, their children in that school were completely taken away from everything they ever knew. The worlds were disrupted and may never be restored. It was done in an Amish school this time. It wasn't done in some bad part of the city. It wasn't done in a major metropolitan area. It wasn't done by some guy that dresses up in all black and listens to rock 'n roll music.
Good luck trying to blame this one on Marilyn Manson, Lieberman.
Guess what. When people are sick fucks, they are sick fucks. It doesn't matter what type of music they listen to.

Congressional Page Program

The folks in Washington are talking about doing away with the page program in the Congress. Why? No freakin' clue. Are they worried that pages are in danger from other sexual child predators in congress? Don't be a buncha morons. I can tell you how to fix the problem.
That is all. See how easy it is? Instead of getting rid of the child predators in congress, they just want to do away with the children. Hahahaha....that's politicians for you.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Colorado Rockies

The Rockies won like 6 games in a row in the beginning of the season and there was some talk about how much they've improved. I never really took notice. Then they lost like 12 games in a row. Then they list like 10 games in a row. Then they list like 7 games in a row. Then there was alot of talk about how shitty the Rockies are. Then there were some players that talked to the media that said "yeah we had a couple of bad games. We're going to turn it around and be in the playoffs and hopefully win the World Series.
Well I have some news for you guys. I'm talking now. I didn't talk before because it was too early. I didn't talk before about how much you guys suck. I'm talking now. You guys suck. Terrible team. You're in dead last. The season is over. It's a bit late to start thinking about turning it around. Better luck next year...yet again. Year after year there is talk about "Oh them Rockies are gonna get 'em next year!" But they never do. And they never will.

The Injustice System

You get charged with something. You go in and they offer you a plea deal. Basically, they say "We'll lessen your punishment if you accept guilt of the charges." For example, you're accused of murder. They say "You're supposed to get 25 years for this. But if you just accept guilt, we'll only send you to jail for 10 years." However, if you CHOOSE to defend yourself, they take away the plea deal. In effect, they punish you for not admitting your guilt. If you choose to fight the charges, they take all deals off of the table. Forget murder. Let's get more basic. You get a traffic ticket. You go in and they say "well, instead of 4 points and 200 bux, we'll lessen your punishment to 1 point and 100 bux." However, if you choose to defend yourself, you're back to the 4 points and 200 bux. Not ONLY do are you stuck with the 4 points and 200 bux, but when you decline the plea deal, you're charged with the court cost fee for the time you were in court. Then they tell you "come back in 2 weeks" and when you show up 2 weeks later, they offer you a better plea deal. Again, if you say no, they say come back in 2 weeks. Each time you come back to the court, you have to pay the court costs for each time you show up. They do this intentionally. They don't care if you're guilty or not. Their job is to make sure the court makes money. At 75 bux a day for court fees, even if you're found innocent of the traffic ticket charges, the judge will make you pay the fees. You're up to 225 bux after 3 days now. You had to pay 200 bux originally. They plead to 100 bux. Yeah you were found innocent. I hope that makes you feel better deep inside because you still owe us 225 bux.
