Sunday, November 26, 2006
So I caught the end of a commercial the other day of Wilford Brimley telling me that Liberty could help me live a better life. So I gave the people a call and get this: They can only help you live a better life if you have diabetes? Can you believe that? I mean come on. I don't have diabetes. So they expect me to get fat and eat wayyy too much sugar all the time so that I might develop diabetes so that they can help me live a better life? Bah! Well...those orange suger covered rings are really good..and I do like soda and chocolate. And I like McDonald's food and that dude from "Super Size Me" showed that their food has alot of sugar...I guess I could start there. I gotta go.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Ted I need to say more?
Ok so I live in Colorado Springs where this Ted Haggard fellow lives. For anyone who doesn't know, he's this super duper evangelical leader extraordinaire for a place called New Life Church. Now...I've been warning people about Christians for YEARS. It's not Christians themselves that are the problem though. Many of them are really wonderful people who do alot of good for alot of people during their search for Jesus with a goal of leading a meaningful life with the reward of one day walking along side Jesus in the kingdom of Heaven...or something like that. It's the christian LEADERS that are the problem! No...not ALL of them. Just alot of them. For example, when a whole hell of a lot of people crowd into a church to listen to a priest or pastor talk them about the word of god and make them feel better about themselves and try to direct them down the path to enlightenment, then they go in the back room and molest a naked little boy...well...that's just not right.
And when some dude talks the talk about being anti-gay and talks about how terrible drugs and gayness are the work of the devil and then he himself goes and takes meth and has anal sex with a male prostitute (allegedly :P), well...that's just not right either.
Hey...Christians. Have you guys ever read the bible? Well I've read parts of it. Mostly revelations. I'm a bit like Stewie from Family Guy. Revelations is the best part. Anyway, I think there is a part in there where it warns that there will be people who claim to walk with Christ and are in actuality walking with the devil. Now have you guys been watching the news at all? Priest after priest that's been molesting little boys for YEARS. Christian leaders doing drugs and having gay sex. I mean come on...could it BE any more clear. At least I know where Satanists stand. They tell you what they believe and what they stand for. I can tell you one thing. I've never heard of a Satanist leader doing some of the sick things that all of these "holier than thou" types have been doing...heh
And when some dude talks the talk about being anti-gay and talks about how terrible drugs and gayness are the work of the devil and then he himself goes and takes meth and has anal sex with a male prostitute (allegedly :P), well...that's just not right either.
Hey...Christians. Have you guys ever read the bible? Well I've read parts of it. Mostly revelations. I'm a bit like Stewie from Family Guy. Revelations is the best part. Anyway, I think there is a part in there where it warns that there will be people who claim to walk with Christ and are in actuality walking with the devil. Now have you guys been watching the news at all? Priest after priest that's been molesting little boys for YEARS. Christian leaders doing drugs and having gay sex. I mean come on...could it BE any more clear. At least I know where Satanists stand. They tell you what they believe and what they stand for. I can tell you one thing. I've never heard of a Satanist leader doing some of the sick things that all of these "holier than thou" types have been doing...heh
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (PC)
When Battlefield 2 first came out on the PC, I ran out and bought it because I heard how great it was supposed to be an all my friends ran out and bought it. They all really enjoyed it. I had a shitty video card and I didn't think the graphics were all that great. They were great on some of my friend's machines, but I had to play on the lowest settings just to get like 40 fps. I didn't enjoy it at all. Even when I did play, I kept getting killed and really didn't understand why. I couldn't control the planes or the helicopters. I really had a bad time and thought the game just really wasn't my bag.
HOWEVER, I now have a 7900 GTO video card and BF2 is now the greatest game....EVER. Well Prey (single player) is pretty kick ass too. But I'm totally loving BF2 now. Having such a great time playing on-line. Shooting missiles at takes from my plane or whatever. Shooting down helicopters with my tank. Haha...
Yeah I know you're supposed to get the checkpoints and all that. But this is hella fun....hehe
HOWEVER, I now have a 7900 GTO video card and BF2 is now the greatest game....EVER. Well Prey (single player) is pretty kick ass too. But I'm totally loving BF2 now. Having such a great time playing on-line. Shooting missiles at takes from my plane or whatever. Shooting down helicopters with my tank. Haha...
Yeah I know you're supposed to get the checkpoints and all that. But this is hella fun....hehe
Insurance and Taxes
I pay 160 bux per month for medical insurance. I don't use it very much and when I do, I also have to pay a deductible and a copay. Hmmm. Medical insuracne programs suck. Can I pay a flat rate and not have to pay anything out of pocket when I need to see a doctor? I mean damn...It's 160 bux per month and that's through my "benefits" that I get through work. I can't imagine folks that have to pay for insurance all by themselves for whole family. I pay for myself and my daughter and that's it. I'm sure some folks pay 500 bux a month or more for insurance.
On Taxes. They suck. Harold Ford has this idea to eliminate taxes for the first 10 thousand bux earned for everyone except for millionaires. I think that's a brilliant idea. It would really help alot of people in America. I don't know how it's going to help the defecit...but I'm not a politician. I'm sure he'd cut alot of programs that poor people need just so he can help poor people pay less taxes. Bah.
On Taxes. They suck. Harold Ford has this idea to eliminate taxes for the first 10 thousand bux earned for everyone except for millionaires. I think that's a brilliant idea. It would really help alot of people in America. I don't know how it's going to help the defecit...but I'm not a politician. I'm sure he'd cut alot of programs that poor people need just so he can help poor people pay less taxes. Bah.
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