I've been a lover of the Doom video game series ever since the good ol' days of Doom 1. I never played multiplayer until Doom 2 came out and me and my friends used to call each other up on our 14.4 modems and kill each other for hours. We usually had to play at night so our parents didn't get too upset about the phone being tied up. I never really thought anything about there ever possibly being a Doom movie. That is, not until Doom 3 came out. For anyone who has played Doom 3, especially those who have played it all the way through, it's the kind of game you just don't want to stop playing until you've beaten it. Just one thing after another that makes you go "wow that's cool". That aspect combined with the "let's shoot the hell out of a buttload of monsters with big ass guns" and you've got the kind of game alot of gamers enjoy playing. Before Doom 3, it had been quite awhile before I spent time playing a game in single player mode. In the modern age with high speed internet, online gaming is great when you have a great game to play it with. Doom 3 was not one of those games, I felt. Maybe it's ok on XBOX Live, I don't know. But not on PC. The game is choppy and gets very laggy when there is any more than 2 or 3 people.
When I saw the first previews of Doom the movie, I figured it would follow the story somewhat of Doom 3. Obviously Doom and Doom 2 didn't really have a story worthy of a movie, though Doom 3's story was decent and could have supported a movie idea. Well they didn't think the same way I thought. In this movie, scientists have discovered, on Earth, a portal that goes to Mars. Basically, you step into the portal and you end up on Mars. Ok that having been set, scientists have discovered that an ancient humanoid species used to live on Mars and that species discovered the secret to super human strength, resistance to illness and so forth. They made "super-humans". They Earth scientists discovered that this species had 24 chromosomes and that's what made them super human. They also discovered that this 24th chromosome was synthetic. Somehow, though an attempt was not even made to explain how, scientists have recreated the synthetic chromosome and it's a liquid that is injected into humans. If a human doesn't have some trait in their brain that makes them susceptible to being a crazed psycho, then they become super human. If the person does have the tendency to be a psycho, then they turn completely into some crazy ass looking monster.
Now, in the game, you know that you kill bigger and bigger monsters and then you get to the bosses for each section that are huge and very difficult to kill. In the movie, there are only 4 monsters. They are monsters that you run into in Doom 3 in the beginning parts of the game really. You have your scientists that are in transition of changing into big ass monsters. These would be the "zombies". Then there are the dudes with the buncha eyes that chase you around and throw fire at you (in the game only) known as "Imps", and one very large Hell Knight who doesn't even end up being the "boss" or anything like that. He's a big bad mofo too. You'll notice throughout the movie, many of the characters are named after people who developed the Doom games. Like a character named "Carmack" for an obvious example. It's sort of funny that the "pinky demon" in the game actually is transformed into a demon from a human who's name is "Pinky". So for people who knew the names of the characters, it's like...gee I wonder what this guy is gonna turn in to...hehe. Surprisingly, there is no "Romero" character. John Romero was really the one who made Doom what it was, I feel. I guess ID was still pissed at him for leaving or something. I dunno.
Oh yeah back to the movie review. It was ok for a mindless action movie, but it was nowhere near the movie it could have been. It seems like they sort of took a rough draft idea and tweaked it a bit and made it the movie. They just took their first idea for the movie and created it. They should have taken alot more time thinking about the story line for this movie, in other words. Frankly, I was disappointed. There wasn't much of a "Doom" aspect to it except when the marines are going through the dark buildings. It does look alot like you're in Doom 3. There aren't enough monsters, and instead of good computer effects, some of the Imps look more like a badly designed zombie from the Thriller video. Something out of a Haunted House or something maybe.
So the movie WAS somewhat entertaining...but it was pretty weak. It's not something I'd care to see again, though it was a decent fill for the 2 hours I had nothing better to do.