What I Thought While on the Pot: October 2005

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Contact Lenses

So I've started wearing contacts exclusively again. I wore them for awhile but stopped because sometimes at work they would bother my eyes. I figured it was just because of the dry environment around all the computers. Then I found out that another person that works there wears contacts and has no problems. They said it was probably the brand of contacts that was causing the problem. She uses Focus Monthly lenses. Another person recommended Acuvue 2 lenses. I bought 2 boxes of each brand from Colorado Contacts and tried them both. The Acuvue 2 felt great. No discomfort at all after wearing them all day long. The problem was the vision focus wasn't great. The lens seemed to move a little bit sometimes when I blinked. It would just move a bit, not severely. But still, it would cause me to lose focus momentarily. My overall focus wasn't that great either even when the lens wasn't moving around. Outside during the day, I seemed to be able to see ok, though street signs were a bit blurry. At night, it got worse. Maybe because of the dark and maybe because I had been wearing them all day. I don't know.
The Focus Monthly lenses were perfectly comfortable as well. I wore them all day and night with no problems. A big problem I had with my Proactive lenses I got from the doctor was the build up of protein on the lense that would cause alot of vision blurring. The other problem was that the lenses would become painful after just a couple hours of wear. If I took them out and rinsed them off, I could wear them again for a couple hours before the pain was unbareable yet again. With the Focus Monthly, there was no protein build up and no pain. I could see perfectly clearly all day and night and with no discomfort. The next best thing to laser vision correction. I was going to splurge and get the Focus Night and Day lenses because you don't take them out of your eyes every night, but only once per month! You take them out, throw them away, put in a new pair for the entire month. I didn't get them because I was worried about how the Focus lenses would feel and how the vision accuity would be. Well if they are anything like the Focus Monthlies, they would be great. I highly recommend the Focus Monthly lenses. I also highly recommend you get them from Colorado Contact Lenses because they are only 17.95 per box! The Proactive lenses (that I don't recommend) are 29.95. I can't see why they are so much more expensive. I guess if you enjoy blurry vision and feeling like you have an eyelash in your eye all day, then you should spend the extra money.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Few Thoughts From the Day

Exxon reported their quaterly profits for this past quarter. They made 10 BILLION dollars. That's just profit. That doesn't include all the "operational costs" which they said was one of the reasons that they had to raise prices at the pump. Obviously, that was all nothing but BS. All that extra money we were spending on gallons of gas wasn't going to operational cost. It was going to the big wig's pockets. I hope it made 1 or 2 people really happy. It made a couple rich as hell people richer and made millions of poor people poorer. That's free enterprise for ya. What you do is you make something, make it so that everyone in the world relies on it, then you can charge whatever you want for it and everyone is going to buy it. Sure, there will be a few people that aren't going to buy as much of it anymore, but raising the prices by a dollar per gallon at the pump will make up that differment and then some. Genius, right? Whatever...

Miers' Nomination Rejected

So what?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Movie Review: Doom

I've been a lover of the Doom video game series ever since the good ol' days of Doom 1. I never played multiplayer until Doom 2 came out and me and my friends used to call each other up on our 14.4 modems and kill each other for hours. We usually had to play at night so our parents didn't get too upset about the phone being tied up. I never really thought anything about there ever possibly being a Doom movie. That is, not until Doom 3 came out. For anyone who has played Doom 3, especially those who have played it all the way through, it's the kind of game you just don't want to stop playing until you've beaten it. Just one thing after another that makes you go "wow that's cool". That aspect combined with the "let's shoot the hell out of a buttload of monsters with big ass guns" and you've got the kind of game alot of gamers enjoy playing. Before Doom 3, it had been quite awhile before I spent time playing a game in single player mode. In the modern age with high speed internet, online gaming is great when you have a great game to play it with. Doom 3 was not one of those games, I felt. Maybe it's ok on XBOX Live, I don't know. But not on PC. The game is choppy and gets very laggy when there is any more than 2 or 3 people.
When I saw the first previews of Doom the movie, I figured it would follow the story somewhat of Doom 3. Obviously Doom and Doom 2 didn't really have a story worthy of a movie, though Doom 3's story was decent and could have supported a movie idea. Well they didn't think the same way I thought. In this movie, scientists have discovered, on Earth, a portal that goes to Mars. Basically, you step into the portal and you end up on Mars. Ok that having been set, scientists have discovered that an ancient humanoid species used to live on Mars and that species discovered the secret to super human strength, resistance to illness and so forth. They made "super-humans". They Earth scientists discovered that this species had 24 chromosomes and that's what made them super human. They also discovered that this 24th chromosome was synthetic. Somehow, though an attempt was not even made to explain how, scientists have recreated the synthetic chromosome and it's a liquid that is injected into humans. If a human doesn't have some trait in their brain that makes them susceptible to being a crazed psycho, then they become super human. If the person does have the tendency to be a psycho, then they turn completely into some crazy ass looking monster.
Now, in the game, you know that you kill bigger and bigger monsters and then you get to the bosses for each section that are huge and very difficult to kill. In the movie, there are only 4 monsters. They are monsters that you run into in Doom 3 in the beginning parts of the game really. You have your scientists that are in transition of changing into big ass monsters. These would be the "zombies". Then there are the dudes with the buncha eyes that chase you around and throw fire at you (in the game only) known as "Imps", and one very large Hell Knight who doesn't even end up being the "boss" or anything like that. He's a big bad mofo too. You'll notice throughout the movie, many of the characters are named after people who developed the Doom games. Like a character named "Carmack" for an obvious example. It's sort of funny that the "pinky demon" in the game actually is transformed into a demon from a human who's name is "Pinky". So for people who knew the names of the characters, it's like...gee I wonder what this guy is gonna turn in to...hehe. Surprisingly, there is no "Romero" character. John Romero was really the one who made Doom what it was, I feel. I guess ID was still pissed at him for leaving or something. I dunno.
Oh yeah back to the movie review. It was ok for a mindless action movie, but it was nowhere near the movie it could have been. It seems like they sort of took a rough draft idea and tweaked it a bit and made it the movie. They just took their first idea for the movie and created it. They should have taken alot more time thinking about the story line for this movie, in other words. Frankly, I was disappointed. There wasn't much of a "Doom" aspect to it except when the marines are going through the dark buildings. It does look alot like you're in Doom 3. There aren't enough monsters, and instead of good computer effects, some of the Imps look more like a badly designed zombie from the Thriller video. Something out of a Haunted House or something maybe.
So the movie WAS somewhat entertaining...but it was pretty weak. It's not something I'd care to see again, though it was a decent fill for the 2 hours I had nothing better to do.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Bird Flu...millions of years old?

So this "bird flu" thing has been in the news quite a bit lately. Lots of birds being slaughtered to stop the spread of it. They say a bird gets it and the bird dies. There is no getting better from it. Seems to affects birds quite severely, obviously. Could very well wipe out every bird on the planet if it were to spread through the harvesters. Places we get our KFC from for example. My thought on this is that many scientists have said that birds are the descendants of dinosaurs. My thought continues in saying that perhaps this "bird flu" that is killing so many birds is the same flu that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. It killed all the larger dinosaurs, leaving only a few smaller ones to survive, perhaps dinos that just happend to never have any contact with another infected dinosaur. If this flu wiped out all the dinosaurs with limited cross atlantic contact, it stands to reason that if this flu were to mutate into a version that is easily transmitted between humans, humans could effectively be wiped off the planet. They say in the news that scientists fear millions could die. I'm looking more at billions. Maybe only a few million left on the planet after all is said and done. Come on get down with the sickeness. Oooo wah ah ah ah....

Need a name for Sith Lord costume idea..

Trying to come up with a name for my Halloween character. It's a sith lord. No one that exists, I'm just making up a character for halloween. Any name ideas anyone? I was thinking Darth Osurus (latin for hate apparently) or Darth Morg or Darth Lividus. What do you think? Post comments for your suggestions...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

New Invention

So I read a thing on yahoo news about some folks in some skool that accidentally discovered some super exciteable atoms that react to light and begin creating their own light or some kinda junk. In practical means, they say it will eventually replace the light bulb completely. Come on!! Replace the light bulb? Already? I mean that ancient technology has only been around for 120 years! In other words, it's about freakin' time. They say it's along the lines of the technology used in LED lighting. I'm like that's cool. So you can have a wall that emits light or a coffee table that is the light for the room. There are so many applications for this idea. What I'd really like to see is clothing that emits light. Great for raves. But also great for nighttime safety for like bicyclists and motorcyclists 'n whatnot. Speaking of which, I'm looking at buying a bike sometime next year when it starts warming up. I gotta get my motorcycle license first 'n all that. I was going to learn how to ride from Tony, though I hadn't really asked him yet. Unfortunately for everyone, he's not with us anymore.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another Good Person Gone too Young

My good friend, to remain nameless right now, has passed away in a tragic accident this morning. He was a skydiving instructor and also did occasional exhibition shows. I have gotten very little details on what happened so far. I've heard that his chute did not open and I've also heard that he may have lost conciousness during a stunt while doing an exhibition show. He was not doing a tandem jump at the time. I knew him because his primary job was working on the nigh shift crew where I work. We have close knit crews, having only four people per crew. He was a hell of a card player and an even better person. We went out a time or two to the club to watch the "jiggles" together. He had a good soul and it's a very tragic thing that has happened. Everyone is really still in shock about it right now and nobody knows what to do or think. Everyone that can will be attending the funeral when details are announced. It's very early and it'll be awhile before those sorts of things are worked out. Can't believe he's gone. Tony: If you read this in heaven, I want you to know you have alot of people that love and care about you thinking about you right now. I wish we could have spent alot more time together. You never think the last time you saw someone is going to be the last time you saw someone. Everyone should truly treasure every moment they get to spend with people they care about because you never know when it might not happen again. Just to play one more game of cards or have one more beer together...or to take you up on that offer to go jumping with you. I really wish I had man...I really wish I had...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bad Case of Red Eye

Ok so actually it's a pair of contacts that I got to wear on Halloween :D
Click here for a bigger photo.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bronos Win and it's Supposed to Snow

The Denver Broncos beat the Washington Redkins tonight 21-19. It was a tough game for both teams. It was wet, windy, and very cold in Denver during the game. The ball was hard to hold on to. Broncos ran some great plays and the defense overall played quite well.
On another note, it's supposed to know in Colorado Springs tonight. I don't get off work until 11:30pm tonight so I hope the snow doesn't start until after I get home. I'd also like to run by King Soopers and pick up some wood to burn in the fireplace. I think I might have 1 or 2 logs left from earlier this year though. I can't believe it's so cold all of a sudden. Just a few days ago, we were in the 80s. Yesterday, the high was 73. We are going to be in the 20s tonight. That's insane. I broke out my winter coat and wore it to work today to get ready for the chill tonight. I won't have to walk out of the mountain tonight so I won't have to worry about freezing my buns off there. I don't get off work for another 5 hours yet. I'm quite bored, I have nothing to do and I don't know what I'm going to do to get through the rest of the night without losing my mind. Nights like this beg the question. Can I make it through my entire working career without ever having to do any work at all? Getting through military basic training was a very tough thing for me physically, not mentally. Physically I was a fat kid and out of shape and I really had to transform to get through it all, but I did it. Since then, I haven't had to do any work at all. That was 8 years ago now.
I've got some important things coming up in the future and I hope everything goes well. I hope to make improvements in several areas of my being in the next short while. Wish me luck.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bored at work tonight...

I'm bored. So here I am writing a little something. I have to put up Halloween decoractions tomorrow with Juanita. She's been bugging me to get it done. I never have decorated except for a little bit of that fake webbing that I put up in the place last year. She has all these decorations she's used for years so those are the ones we are going to put up again. I don't have new decorations because I just can't bring myself to spend obscene amounts of money for them. I like Halloween just as much as the next guy out there...but like uhhhh...whatever.
Court case is being settled last I heard. I haven't heard anything back yet about it being done and over with. It'll be figured out soon. I'm just glad it won't have to go to trial. That would be such a huge pain in the ass. Even though if it went to trial, I'm sure I would win and the old d00d would get nothing. He'll be able to buy himself something to eat and some news clothes with the money anyway. From his statement in the police report, he has no money and his kids don't help. I'm sure they helped find him a lawyer when they found out there might be money coming his way though.
I'm looking around at how to get rid of Iloyd's cat. It's got to go. Looks like it'll be about 200 bux altogether to get everything done. 100 bux for the plane ride for the cat to Houston and 100 bux for shots and health certificate. I think that'll be a huge pain in the butt too. But I'm going to try to get it done anyway.
I've been thinking about a painting I really want to do. It's going to be pretty big. Lots of color and funky designs. I already have it done in my head and have been thinking alot about how I'm actually going to go about painting it.
It's supposed to snow here on Monday. Already. It was nearly 80 degrees today and the highs are supposed to be in the 30s on Monday. Some kinda weather, huh? I just hope my car can handle the snow. It's a 2005 ford focus. My civic was fine in the snow once I had snow tires on it. Snow tires rock. I think I might just go out and buy some for my ford for the winter. Lately, snow tires have been a waste of money because we've gotten very little snow lately. Just like every year I can remember though, all the "weather specialists" and "scientists" say this is going to be a bad winter. Just like last year was supposed to be...oh and the year before and the one before that. All of which we had very little snow. Alot of cold, but very little snow. During the other seasons, no matter how much rain we get, we are said to be "in a drought". It could rain 10 inches of rain every day for a year and people would still be saying "we really need the rain". I'm like STFU before I stab you in the gut with a chopstick.
In other news, I really like A&W restaurants. They've also recently opened a Culver's here in Colorado Springs. I've been there once so far and had a great bacon barbecue butter burger. That's good stuff, man. And their fries are the best. Now if they only had A&W Root Beer on tap at Culvers we would be set. And the only Culvers in town is kinda far away from my house. Actually, the closest A&W is right next door to the Culvers so I guess it doesn't really matter. The thing is, there is an A&W down by where my girlfriend's parents live so I'm down that way a few times a month anyway.
I really need to wash my car and clean out the junk inside it. I haven't done that in awhile. I also need to sell my car stereo equipment from my old car. I'm asking really good prices for the stuff but they have yet to sell. I'm hoping it goes soon.
Welp...nothing else to really say tonight I guess. I get off work here in about 4 more hours. I'm planning to watch Saturday Night Live and then go to the gym and then go home. I'm trying to get to the gym alot more to get cut. I realize I have plenty of muscle already and I work on fat burn and cardio mostly. I also realize that I don't have to work on fat burn if I would just stop eating all the time but that's hard for me to do because of the addictive additives that the food companies put in foods to make people hungry and want more of their addictive food. That, plus I have no self control.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Movie Review: Into the Blue

Jessica Alba and Paul Walker. Yeah, I thought it would just be a movie that high school girls would go see because Paul Walker is in it and middle aged men would go see because Jessica Alba was in it. Well I'm only 28, but I still just wanted to see it because Jessica Alba was in it. She's gotta be close to the hottest woman on the planet, but don't tell my girlfriend I said that. She'll argue that Scarlet Johansen is the hottest girl and I'm like "whatever". Ok so anyway. There are drug runners, a plane crash, a sunken pirate ship, drugs in the plane, treasure in the ship. Paul and Jessi get tangled up between the drugs and the treasure and sharks and bad people and good people and other people on the fence. A well put together unbelievable movie. If it were any more believable though, it probably wouldn't have made it to the screen. I thought it was a good movie. I enjoyed it and it kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next the whole way through, just like a good book. I recommend this movie even if you think it's a juvenille movie. After watching it, some people would still say it is, but those people didn't pay attention to the movie because it's not. So go watch it. You can thank me later. Send money.

Movie Review: Batman Begins

It was good.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Found a Robe

I found a robe. I also found some crazy hair color for halloween. I think I'm going to color my hair bright red and have the red contacts...it'll be sweet...

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Has anyone been watching the news lately? With no storms to devote an hour’s worth of coverage to and have “special reports” about, these news corporations sure are having a difficult time finding stories to write and talk about. There is still a war going on in Iraq, but I guess talking about more American kids getting killed doesn’t make good news when you report about it every night. What we need right now is a good asteroid strike on Earth. It needs to cause about 100,000 deaths in some large city in the states in order for the coverage on the story to last more than a month. They are still talking about hurricane Katrina, though not for the entire newscast anymore. People can’t return to their homes even though the water is gone because their homes were under all that water and are now ruined. A lot of people aren’t getting any money to help them rebuild or move or try to get their lives back together. I couldn’t imagine what to do by myself down there, let alone some of those people down there with large families and no money or a place to stay.
Back to the news now. I see there have been some murders that have stood out. Another pretty blonde white woman was killed and so of course there was plenty of news coverage for her. There are missing children all around. From watching the news, most of those are pretty little white girls as well. We all know that’s not the truth of the matter though. I guess the media is only concerned with helping to find the pretty white girls though and nobody else.

Whatever…on another note, I’m still looking for the finishing piece of my Halloween costume. My blood red contacts should arrive in the mail soon. I got my blue ones from the people I ordered both the blue and red ones from. Must take longer to make the red ones. Hopefully I do receive them before Halloween. I still need to find my dark jedi style robe. Yeah, I’m Darth Morg for Halloween this year. I have a pretty good costume so far…just need the oversized hooded robe now. Should be sweet…hopefully it won’t be too hard to find the robe.
