Saturday, November 26, 2005
People that are for the war and go out and protest people that are against the war confuse me. The people who are against the war in Iraq, for example, go out and take signs that say some things like "War is wrong! Bring out troops home!" and the people who are for the war have signs that say things like "Support our troops!" or "Home of the free because of the brave!". They don't seem to understand at all what the anti-war people are saying. They seem to think that the people who are against the war are people who hate the military troops. That's completely false. They are saying that the WAR itself is wrong, not the troops that are over there because they were told they have to be. They support the troops, in fact, more than those who support the war because they want to bring the troops home where they will be safe. Personally, I agree with alot of people out there who say we really had no business going to war with Iraq. A guy was sent to see if Iraq was attempting to get stuff to make weapons from Egypt. He did his investigation and came to the conclusion that they were not. Then president Bush goes on TV and says that the intelligence says that they ARE trying to buy from Egypt. Then the guy who did the investigation says "no, that's not what I are twisting the evidence so that you can convince people that we need to go to war and that's wrong.". The next thing you know, that guy's wife is exposed as a CIA agent. Coincidence? Yeah right. So we know that Iraq wasn't trying to buy from Egypt. We know there are no weapons of Mass Destruction. At this point, Iraq is attracting more and more terrorists to Iraq who are setting up camp and organizing a growing number of terrorist attacks against everyone, not just the United States. Not that there weren't terrorists in Iraq before, but the point is that now there are more than ever. Now the president's reason for staying in Iraq is to make sure that it doesn't become a breeding ground for terrorists. Guess what. Too late. Now that it's too late, Bush wants to keep American kids in Iraq to fight against these growing numbers of terrorist until the "War on terror is won". That will never happen. He says he's going to fight the war on terror until there is no longer any terrorists. That will never happen. He says the goal then is to train the Iraqi troops to a level good enough that they can defend themselves against the terrorists, that way we can go ahead and leave Iraq and not have to worry. That will never happen either. The war in Iraq will never have the end that Bush wants. He will have to call it quits and leave eventually without the "job" that he wants done. Even though Iraq was worse for the Iraqi people with Sadam in power, the threat to the American people is much greater today that it was before we invaded Iraq. That will be Bush's legacy. He tried to go in and wipe out terrorism. It didn't work. It will never work. He will never be successful. I wish he could be. I really wish was possible. But it isn't. We have to concentrate on homeland security and dealing with intelligence that we get so that we can stop future attacks before they happen. That has to continue to be successful. We don't have to have thousands upon thousands of American troops in Iraq to do that.
How the World Ends
Global warming will continue to cause the artic shelf to deteriorate and huge chunks will continue to break off and into the ocean, dumping billions of gallons of fresh water into the waters, having a direct effect on the jet stream. The warm surface waters that head northward through the water current belt and are cooled, causing the water to become more dense and sink back into the ocean and circle back down south to become warm again will no longer gain the density because of the fresh water which is less dense mixing with the current waters. This will cause a disturbance in the current belt and the warm waters will no longer be recycled into the north, causing an arctic freeze that will continue to grow and travel southward, plunging much of the planet north of the equator into frigid temperatures. This will cause a dramatic decrease in crop production, causing famine throughout the planet. The only way to produce crops will be to keep things warm enough to grow. This will increase the demand on heating oil throughout the world, causing increased tension in nations that have little oil of their own. These nations will grow desperate and will do anything they can, to include invasion and war, to attempt to secure a source of oil which they can utilize. Oil production will increase to all new highs and many oil fields will be depleted, resulting in increased demand and decreased supply. Billions will die from starvation and famine related disease. Others will die in the resulting nuclear war from desperate nuclear weapon wielding nations. The United States will play a direct role in the safeguarding of the world's oil reserves, resulting in increased resentment from other nations. China, Russia, India, and the United States will be at war with each other. Billions more will die. There will be less than 1 billion people left on the planet by the time the missiles have fallen and the earth comes out of the next ice age. Those people will mostly be in southern Africa, Australia and southern South America. Communications will still be available thanks to all the satellites that currently orbit the planet. Resources will begin to replenish and foods are able to be grown again. This entire event will be a catastrophic event that will change the world forever. We will no longer use oil for heating or anything else. New technologies will have to be utilized and mankind will come to an end if none can be discovered. It will be a new dark ages.
Friday, November 25, 2005
People who drive Cadillacs
There are only two types of people who drive 80s model Cadillacs. Old white women and young black men. The way you tell the difference is the window tint and the size and how shiny the rims are. Oh, and if the trunk is rattling like hell because the dumbshits couldn't figure out how to reduce noise, that's also a tell tale sign of which of the two types is driving it. Then again, if the car is dropped ridiculously close to the ground and the wheels extend out from beyond the cars body and are 13 inches and are gold with white wall tires, then that would be a 3rd category type driver...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Cutting Programs for the Poor
So as you've no doubt seen stories about in the news, the republicans are once again trying to cut programs for the poor. They say it won't have any effect on foodstamps or free lunches now, but they tried to cut those and realized that they wouldn't be able to get a majority vote if they did because of all the republicans that were afraid they might not be re-elected if they did), but I would question that intensely. Instead of cutting funding from all the other countries that we help around the world, the republicans look first to the U.S. American people to take money from. I supposed when you're rich and live in a nice part of the suburbs and you never see anything but your rich neighbors around you and you go to work and write up insane bills with your rich friends, you simply forget about all the millions of Americans that don't have what you have. Well what can you do? It happens! :\
Bush says "I need 80 billion for the war in Iraq". A few months later. "Did I say 80 billion? Oh well I need 72 billion more." And of course there is no limit on how much Bush could ask for and there is no amount that is "too much" to be approved because if you don't give him the money for the war then you aren't "supporting the troops".
So Bush wants to continue to give more and more billions in money and support to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan while at the same time cutting programs that American families rely on to feed their children. That's republicans for you.
During all this, guess who gets a raise? You guessed it. Republican controlled congress voted to give themselves a $3100 dollar per year "cost of living" raise. That's a 3100 dollar raise just for cost of living. My last cost of living raise gave me an additional 150 dollars for the YEAR. For the YEAR. My utilities bill this year alone is more than double what it was this time last year and fortunately I can still afford it. Other families out there however, not that they are going to have their assistance programs cut, are going to have to find somewhere to get more money to feed their children and more money to keep them warm in the winter. At the same time congress says "heating bills are going to be higher this year...3100 bux should cover it. Ney or yay...YAY!"
Bush says "I need 80 billion for the war in Iraq". A few months later. "Did I say 80 billion? Oh well I need 72 billion more." And of course there is no limit on how much Bush could ask for and there is no amount that is "too much" to be approved because if you don't give him the money for the war then you aren't "supporting the troops".
So Bush wants to continue to give more and more billions in money and support to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan while at the same time cutting programs that American families rely on to feed their children. That's republicans for you.
During all this, guess who gets a raise? You guessed it. Republican controlled congress voted to give themselves a $3100 dollar per year "cost of living" raise. That's a 3100 dollar raise just for cost of living. My last cost of living raise gave me an additional 150 dollars for the YEAR. For the YEAR. My utilities bill this year alone is more than double what it was this time last year and fortunately I can still afford it. Other families out there however, not that they are going to have their assistance programs cut, are going to have to find somewhere to get more money to feed their children and more money to keep them warm in the winter. At the same time congress says "heating bills are going to be higher this year...3100 bux should cover it. Ney or yay...YAY!"
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Review: Need for Speed Most Wanted
That one word was going to be my entire post because it really sums it all up. But I figured there might be some readers that might find that description to be inadequate so here I go.
I popped in the game, installed it, and fired it up. Immediately the cinematics are amazing. It's crazy the way they made them. They use real actors (such as hot as hell Josie Moran) and film them on a green screen and then add in the computer generated stuff later. The racing physics are great. The environment is great. You go through objects in the road, you drive over bumpy, rocky, uneven ground that throws off your handling. You'll notice cobblestone vibrations. I play the PC version and if you do also, you'll notice the intense level of graphics in the game. I assume the Xbox 360 version will have as good or better graphics displays as the PC version. I'm sure the regular XBOX and the PS2 versions both suffer from lack of amazing looking graphics, however I would still recommend the game because it's just plain fun. I've played a ton of racing games and I have my favorites and others that I just plain hate. For example: Juiced...hated it. L.A. Rush...hated it. I have my reasons. Other people rave about both those games. I'm like please. They both offer nothing new and nothing worth my time to play. Need for Speed Most Wanted is the greatest of any street racing style game out there. Almost a feel of a Burnout style game at times. Other times a Flatout style game. It does feel more like Need for Speed Underground 2, but not so much as to turn people off from it if they didn't like NFSU2. I for one, wasn't a big fan of NFSU2. Ok so you can customize your cars. Ok so you can free roam. Personally, I got very bored with the free roaming and having to drive for 5 or 10 minutes in the open just to get to the next race. Please let me skip. Thanks, Street Racing Syndicate! For those who played it, Street Racing Syndicate absolutely sucked for PS2 and Xbox and rocked for the PC version. Don't ask me why...I played all 3 versions. I can't figure it out either. PC version all the way. Need for Speed Underground offers everything good from all the previous games and leaves out the bad stuff that wasn't such a big hit. In NFSMW back is the all famous police chases from Hot Pursuit!! It's great. You'll be driving along blowing past your competition or leaving them in the dust and suddenly you'll fly around a corner and there will be a cop car or two sitting there waiting for you. They'll try to set up road blocks and stop you from getting away. The cop cars are alot easier to spin out than another racer is. Just get on their left or right rear and steer into them.
Buy this game! It's great!!
That one word was going to be my entire post because it really sums it all up. But I figured there might be some readers that might find that description to be inadequate so here I go.
I popped in the game, installed it, and fired it up. Immediately the cinematics are amazing. It's crazy the way they made them. They use real actors (such as hot as hell Josie Moran) and film them on a green screen and then add in the computer generated stuff later. The racing physics are great. The environment is great. You go through objects in the road, you drive over bumpy, rocky, uneven ground that throws off your handling. You'll notice cobblestone vibrations. I play the PC version and if you do also, you'll notice the intense level of graphics in the game. I assume the Xbox 360 version will have as good or better graphics displays as the PC version. I'm sure the regular XBOX and the PS2 versions both suffer from lack of amazing looking graphics, however I would still recommend the game because it's just plain fun. I've played a ton of racing games and I have my favorites and others that I just plain hate. For example: Juiced...hated it. L.A. Rush...hated it. I have my reasons. Other people rave about both those games. I'm like please. They both offer nothing new and nothing worth my time to play. Need for Speed Most Wanted is the greatest of any street racing style game out there. Almost a feel of a Burnout style game at times. Other times a Flatout style game. It does feel more like Need for Speed Underground 2, but not so much as to turn people off from it if they didn't like NFSU2. I for one, wasn't a big fan of NFSU2. Ok so you can customize your cars. Ok so you can free roam. Personally, I got very bored with the free roaming and having to drive for 5 or 10 minutes in the open just to get to the next race. Please let me skip. Thanks, Street Racing Syndicate! For those who played it, Street Racing Syndicate absolutely sucked for PS2 and Xbox and rocked for the PC version. Don't ask me why...I played all 3 versions. I can't figure it out either. PC version all the way. Need for Speed Underground offers everything good from all the previous games and leaves out the bad stuff that wasn't such a big hit. In NFSMW back is the all famous police chases from Hot Pursuit!! It's great. You'll be driving along blowing past your competition or leaving them in the dust and suddenly you'll fly around a corner and there will be a cop car or two sitting there waiting for you. They'll try to set up road blocks and stop you from getting away. The cop cars are alot easier to spin out than another racer is. Just get on their left or right rear and steer into them.
Buy this game! It's great!!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
XBOX Nyko Wireless Headset Review
It sucks. You can buy them at Circuit City or wherever for around $40 but that would be a complete waste of $40 and you could just sent the money to me to support my Taco Bell habit. I've got a thing for Burrito Supremes. I got mine and I was eager to try it out. I plugged it right in, hooked it right up and tested it out while in Burnout Revenge. Basically, it didn't work worth a shit. I couldn't tell if anyone could hear me or not because I couldn't understand THEM. I could barely make out a few words here and there that were severely muffled. Mostly sounded like a radio station that isn't quite tuned in right. I also don't know what kind of ears this headset was designed to stay on but the design is basically a thing that is supposed to sit on one ear and the microphone is supposed to curve around to your mouth. The earpiece actually fits in your ear but doesn't stay. It comes with 3 different sized ear piece adapters but none of them made the thing stay in place for more than 10 seconds. I tried this product in 2 other games just to make sure it wasn't a game problem. I also reset the XBOX and tried a few other things that made no difference.
Don't waste your money on this product.
I've since ordered the Logitech wireless heaset for the XBOX. Retail is 70-80 bux for this headset. Quite a bit more expensive indeed. Hopefully the money that this thing costs will guarantee its functionality. I'll post a comment about it when I get it in the mail.
Don't waste your money on this product.
I've since ordered the Logitech wireless heaset for the XBOX. Retail is 70-80 bux for this headset. Quite a bit more expensive indeed. Hopefully the money that this thing costs will guarantee its functionality. I'll post a comment about it when I get it in the mail.
Camera Technology and the Lack of Use
I have an amazing digital camera. I can take crystal clear photos large enough to make posters out of. High quality, high resolution photos. I use my camera to take pictures of nature. Animals, scenery. When I go hiking I take it with me and I take perfect pictures of beautiful things. I can also use it to take great pictures of people. I can even take a picture from a great distance and I can use the camera zoom to bring them in closer and take a picture so clear that I can look at the photo and immediately tell who it is. It's not even a question. This technology is wonderful! I can open up any magazine and see amazing pictures of incredible quality of celebrities or a model or whomever it might be.
The problem is: Why the FUCK doesn't anyone use it for a goddamned purpose!?
Someone robs a bank and they report it on the news and they show the "suspect" and it's a blur who's own momma wouldn't be able to recognize in a million years. Why have cameras in banks when they are such poor quality and take such terrible photos of the people in the bank? I really hope the banks saved a lot of money on a discount camera deal and then passed the savings along to me in the manner of free checking or something, because they definitely aren't able to use those cheap ass cameras to take pictures of a damn thing.
Same goes for department stores or jewelry stores. Nowadays, they have cameras all over the place taking "pictures" or maybe even video of everyone. When they take a picture of someone who is a suspect, they post it all over the TV and internet asking for help identifying the person in the photo. Yeah right. Good luck with that.
In this day and age when you can download a full professional quality movie off of the internet and burn it and make professional quality DVDs for free using your home computer, it's amazing to me that we can barely manage to take blurry unrecognizable photos of bank robbers, murderers and thieves.
The problem is: Why the FUCK doesn't anyone use it for a goddamned purpose!?
Someone robs a bank and they report it on the news and they show the "suspect" and it's a blur who's own momma wouldn't be able to recognize in a million years. Why have cameras in banks when they are such poor quality and take such terrible photos of the people in the bank? I really hope the banks saved a lot of money on a discount camera deal and then passed the savings along to me in the manner of free checking or something, because they definitely aren't able to use those cheap ass cameras to take pictures of a damn thing.
Same goes for department stores or jewelry stores. Nowadays, they have cameras all over the place taking "pictures" or maybe even video of everyone. When they take a picture of someone who is a suspect, they post it all over the TV and internet asking for help identifying the person in the photo. Yeah right. Good luck with that.
In this day and age when you can download a full professional quality movie off of the internet and burn it and make professional quality DVDs for free using your home computer, it's amazing to me that we can barely manage to take blurry unrecognizable photos of bank robbers, murderers and thieves.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Can Glued to the Can
"It's not about the money. I want my health back. I want to be back to normal," Dougherty said. "I want to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody ever, ever again."
That's what the guy said about sueing for 3 million dollars for getting glued to a toilet seat in a Home Depot in Louisville, CO.
Let's analyze a bit.
I go in to use a public restroom toilet. You can be damn sure that I'm going to look at the toilet seat in a public restroom before I sit down on it. Half the time, there is urine and/or fecal matter on the seat. I sometimes even put down a layer or two of toilet paper on the seat before I take a squat. Now you're telling me that, not only did this guy not look before he sat down, but he sat down on the glue and did not immediately get up, but sat there long enough to become completely stuck to the seat. Now anyone who has ever used super glue knows that anything that becomes bonded that quickly also dries very quickly. So the person who was there before this guy had to have just put the glue on the seat before Bob walked in the restroom. Bob then said he called for help for fifteen minutes before anyone helped him. That's why he's sueing the Home Depot for 3 million dollars. He said he doesn't want this to ever happen again. Guess what Bob. Pranks done by children with super glue or ketchup or whoopie cushions aren't going to stop because you sue Home Depot, jackass. Oh must mean that you don't want people to be ignored when they need help for fifteen minutes. That's why you're sueing right? Not because you were glued, but because you were denied help for fifteen minutes. What if it happened outside and you fell down and nobody helped you up for fifteen minutes and you just sat there on the ground? Would you then sue the city because nobody came by to help you? He complained about sitting there for fifteen minutes on the pot. He was probably going to be there for fifteen minutes to take a dump anyway. He just would have had a difficult time wiping.
Obviously, Bob could have put the glue on the seat himself then flushed the evidence down the toilet before sitting down on the seat.
There's also an official from Nederland, CO who said that Bob claimed he was glued yet again to a toilet seat in the town's visitor center but pulled himself free. There was no evidence of this happening. Timeline important here. The Nederland incident allegedly happened in the Summer of 2004 while the Louisville incident allegedly happened just before Halloween in 2003. 2003? Why sait two years to sue if it's "not about the money. I just want my health back."? Please...
That's what the guy said about sueing for 3 million dollars for getting glued to a toilet seat in a Home Depot in Louisville, CO.
Let's analyze a bit.
I go in to use a public restroom toilet. You can be damn sure that I'm going to look at the toilet seat in a public restroom before I sit down on it. Half the time, there is urine and/or fecal matter on the seat. I sometimes even put down a layer or two of toilet paper on the seat before I take a squat. Now you're telling me that, not only did this guy not look before he sat down, but he sat down on the glue and did not immediately get up, but sat there long enough to become completely stuck to the seat. Now anyone who has ever used super glue knows that anything that becomes bonded that quickly also dries very quickly. So the person who was there before this guy had to have just put the glue on the seat before Bob walked in the restroom. Bob then said he called for help for fifteen minutes before anyone helped him. That's why he's sueing the Home Depot for 3 million dollars. He said he doesn't want this to ever happen again. Guess what Bob. Pranks done by children with super glue or ketchup or whoopie cushions aren't going to stop because you sue Home Depot, jackass. Oh must mean that you don't want people to be ignored when they need help for fifteen minutes. That's why you're sueing right? Not because you were glued, but because you were denied help for fifteen minutes. What if it happened outside and you fell down and nobody helped you up for fifteen minutes and you just sat there on the ground? Would you then sue the city because nobody came by to help you? He complained about sitting there for fifteen minutes on the pot. He was probably going to be there for fifteen minutes to take a dump anyway. He just would have had a difficult time wiping.
Obviously, Bob could have put the glue on the seat himself then flushed the evidence down the toilet before sitting down on the seat.
There's also an official from Nederland, CO who said that Bob claimed he was glued yet again to a toilet seat in the town's visitor center but pulled himself free. There was no evidence of this happening. Timeline important here. The Nederland incident allegedly happened in the Summer of 2004 while the Louisville incident allegedly happened just before Halloween in 2003. 2003? Why sait two years to sue if it's "not about the money. I just want my health back."? Please...
Pat Robertson...uhhh....yeah...
"In voting on Tuesday, eight Dover, Pennsylvania, school board members up for re-election lost their seats after trying to introduce a statement on "intelligent design" to high school biology students. Adherents of intelligent design argue that certain forms in nature are too complex to have evolved through natural selection and must have been created by a "designer." Opponents say it is the latest attempt by conservatives to introduce religion into the school science curriculum."
So, of course, those 8 Dover people were voted out by the people of Dover and replaced with people who would not interfere with the separation of religion from schools. In agreement, if you want your children to grow up and learn nothing but Christian beliefs and to be completely shielded from everything else in the world and to be completely shocked and outraged (which nearly ALL eventually are) when they finally go out in the world on their own, then by all means, have your children to go a Christian school. Otherwise, don't try to tell public schools what they should and shouldn't teach your children.
On his show that should have been cancelled long ago, 700 Club, Pat Robertson basically condemned the city of Dover. He said that the people shouldn't be surprised if they soon are faced with the wrath of god and he goes on to tell the people not to ask for God's help if they are dealt tough times ahead because God would not answer. So here's Pat Robertson, a guy who can't say four words in a row without referencing a portion of the bible (update: I was thinking of Jack Van Impe when I said this), who know has gone so far and thinks so highly of himself that he can know and speak God's will. "God will not help you because you turned your back on Him," or something similar were his words. If Pat knows the bible so well, he should know by now that God is all judging and all forgiving. A man is not to be judged by any other man, but only by God himself. So Pat thinks of himself as God, I gather from his statements. No man should ever try to tell another man that God is not going to be there for him. That's completely asinine. Especially for someone in Pat Robertson's position who speaks to millions of brain warped watchers every week.
So Pat, if you read this blog, go read your bible completely through again and pay close attention to what it says. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned somewhere deep in biblical interpretation as to where you might find a clue.
"In voting on Tuesday, eight Dover, Pennsylvania, school board members up for re-election lost their seats after trying to introduce a statement on "intelligent design" to high school biology students. Adherents of intelligent design argue that certain forms in nature are too complex to have evolved through natural selection and must have been created by a "designer." Opponents say it is the latest attempt by conservatives to introduce religion into the school science curriculum."
So, of course, those 8 Dover people were voted out by the people of Dover and replaced with people who would not interfere with the separation of religion from schools. In agreement, if you want your children to grow up and learn nothing but Christian beliefs and to be completely shielded from everything else in the world and to be completely shocked and outraged (which nearly ALL eventually are) when they finally go out in the world on their own, then by all means, have your children to go a Christian school. Otherwise, don't try to tell public schools what they should and shouldn't teach your children.
On his show that should have been cancelled long ago, 700 Club, Pat Robertson basically condemned the city of Dover. He said that the people shouldn't be surprised if they soon are faced with the wrath of god and he goes on to tell the people not to ask for God's help if they are dealt tough times ahead because God would not answer. So here's Pat Robertson, a guy who can't say four words in a row without referencing a portion of the bible (update: I was thinking of Jack Van Impe when I said this), who know has gone so far and thinks so highly of himself that he can know and speak God's will. "God will not help you because you turned your back on Him," or something similar were his words. If Pat knows the bible so well, he should know by now that God is all judging and all forgiving. A man is not to be judged by any other man, but only by God himself. So Pat thinks of himself as God, I gather from his statements. No man should ever try to tell another man that God is not going to be there for him. That's completely asinine. Especially for someone in Pat Robertson's position who speaks to millions of brain warped watchers every week.
So Pat, if you read this blog, go read your bible completely through again and pay close attention to what it says. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned somewhere deep in biblical interpretation as to where you might find a clue.
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