What I Thought While on the Pot: May 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Snobby Little Rich Girls in Hollywood

Why is it that every girl between 17 and 24 in Hollywood has to go and get some money and then take it and buy drugs and alcohol and wreck their cars and just look stupid? What happened to nice girls that are lucky and successful (like Jessica Alba) and don't get into all those things? I'm guessing those bad girls all grew up a certain way. Then every time they get into trouble doing something, they blame it on the way they were raised or just on one parent or the other. All a bunch of crap. And ALL girls between those ages are on drugs or drink alot. The ones who still look perfectly clean just haven't been caught yet and/or haven't been in rehab yet.
I mean how about this Lindsay Lohan? She checks herself into AA and then claims that she doesn't drink. She's like "why would I? I'm not old enough". Such a little whiny snotty undisciplined little bitch. I'd still bone her though. Fo shizzle...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

American Idol Results Revealed Early

So I was up at work last night watching the American Idol finale. I work in a military installation and we get like 6 or 7 channels. We get the major networks plus CNN, HNN, History channel, Discover. Ok maybe 8 or 9 channels.
During one of the commercials at about 8:30, near the end of American Idol, I flipped through the channels and saw a headline on HNN that said "Jordin Sparks wins American Idol". I'm like yo WTF? The show said "LIVE!!" throughout it. Never did I see "recorded from an earlier show" or whatever. Obviously it wasn't live because the results were already known on the east coast. It was also on several websites before it was on TV here. So WTF yo? There should be some sort of non-disclosure rule to the networks or major websites. Show has to be over EVERYWHERE before results are shared.

Fuck the Republicans

So this 120 billion dollar bill (that's alot) looks like it's goign to pass with a 218 to 201 vote. As you can imagine, most of those nay votes are from Republicans. There are a few democrats that weren't happy with it because they wanted the bill their way or no way and they voted against it with actions of compromise. Those particular democrats are idiots and I'm going to find out which ones they are and write them all letters of disapproval. So back to the Republicans. Some of the things the democrats wrote into this bill were 6.4 billion dollars to go to Hurrican Relief efforts. Also 3 billion for agricultural aid. I'm unsure what this agricultural aid means. Probably something I'll bitch about later when I find out exactly what it is. Whatever the reason, it's domestic spending. And get this. Nearly every republican is just LIVID that we are spending money domestically while they want another 100 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan. That's all they care about. Pumping more and more money into Iraqistan to try to take control of these wars that they haven't had control of since day 1. It doesn't matter how much money you spend over there jackasses. Those guys grew up in grass huts and mud houses and they're kicking your ass with BB guns and homemade bombs. You want more money to fund your million dollar missiles and hundred thousand dollar vehicles and guns. There has been enough money spend over there already. The only thing we still need money for is gas for the vehicles. The guns and vehicles can be reused (most of them).
At the same time, there are people dying right here in America that lost everything in Katrina and other hurricanes. New Orleans is still in shambles. Still to this day. Yeah it hasn't been on the news since the anniversary of the Hurrican last year with Brian Williams. But guess what? Nothing but old houses full of mold and tore up. Completely unliveable. Nothing can become of them. They have to be torn down and rebuilt. But no. To this day, most of those houses still sit there. It still looks like the hurricane just happened. And the republicans dare complain about spending some money on helping the people right here in fucking America?
Fuck the republicans...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Minimum Wage Increase? WTF?

The "W" stands for "When" in this case. I read like a year ago about there being a vote to increase the minimum wage in the United States. It was approved and they announced it on the news and democrats were praised and alot of people were so grateful. Now I read in the news again today that there is a new bill to increase minimum wage from 5.15 to 7.25? WTF is that? It was 5.15 for the last 10 years or so so obviously the vote from last time didn't mean a fucking thing? Is that the way this works? Passed vote after passed vote and nothing happened? Come on...fucking ridiculous. Makes no sense at all. They keep talking about getting shit done in the House and Senate but nothing at all has been done. Just talk talk talk.

Driver sentenced in fatal wood-chipper crash - 18 Months?


So this idiot didn't hitch a large wood chipper correctly to the back of his truck and then he went speeding down a busy highway and the wood chipper came loose and crossed into oncoming traffic and killed a father and 2 of his 3 triplets and critically injured the 3rd. He may or may not have been speeding but part of his plea deal was to admit that he was speeding. They do that sometimes to get less time. Like that should have been a consideration for him. 18 months? That's it?
Let me tell you something. If you kill my daughter in a car crash because you were drunk or just plain stupid, you better hope for the longest sentence in the world because whenever you get out whether it be 10 months or 40 years, that's it for you. You're done.
Some people might say that the father and those 2 triplets being killed was an act of God and was Gods will to have those souls return to heaven to be with him. To those people who would say that, I would say SHUT THE FUCK UP!! These people didn't have to die. Those 3 lives are gone now. And the lives of countless others have been changed the by the loss of that father and those children. The jury in this trial must have been all non parents to give this guy 18 months. Give me a goddamned break. 18 months, then only 5 years probation and then he can go about his life as though nothing happened.
He says it was a mistake that his wood chipper wasn't hitched right. No it wasn't a mistake. It was you being a lazy fuck is what it was. You knew how to hitch that shit properly and you just didn't do it. Now look at what you did. I hope he gets his ass kicked every day for the entire 18 months.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

XBOX 360 Rants

I can't use my router with the XBOX 360 if I want to play Call of Duty 3 on XBOX Live. If I do, I can only join maybe 2 out of 20 games going on. Without the router, I can join EVERY game with the exception of some guys running servers underwater in the Ukraine or whatever. I'd say 18 or 19 out of 20 I can join when directly connected from my cable modem. I've tried setting up the 360 as the DMZ on the router, tried forwarding ports, opening the ports that the game purportedly uses, etc. Nothing has worked. Oh well. No big deal. Just a little inconvenient. It should be noted that all other games work fine and I am able to join whatever I want with the router in use.
I bought an XFPS keyboard/mouse adapter awhile back. Thing was ok, but "pretty much sucks" was the general feedback from consumers. I ended up using a work around which involves a Smartjoy Frag for PS2 and some soldering. Really works great IMO. I pwn n00bs all day in Call of Duty 2 and 3 with it. I don't play many other FPS games so I'm not going to list the ones I suck at. hehe...
Anyway...after months of feedback such as "your product blows and we have to mod it to get it to work right", the makers of the product, XCM, have come out with a new version of it with built in sensitivity adjustment. I assume they mean deadzone adjustment. We will soon find out I have no doubt. In my opinion, anyone who bought the original POS product should get this new version for FREE to try it out. If we like it and it works, we send in the old one if we want to keep the new one. Otherwise, they charge us full price for the new one. That would make a good deal right? But they aren't doing that. They expect everyone with a shit first version to pay another 80 bux for the new one. Whatever. They can suck my ballz.

Maxim and Stuff and People

Ok so in Maxim's "100 Hottest Women" or whatever it's called, Lindsay Lohan took the #1 spot. No idea how, but she did. In Stuff magazine, like a week later or so, she is ranked #89. How the hell did THAT happen? These magazines are made by the same people aren't they? I guess it's voting? Or just opinion of the editor? I agree more with the Maxim's top 10 minus Linsday Lohan than with Stuff's. Stuff's list looks like it's about 5 years old or so.
And where is Jordana brewster? I don't remember if she's in Maxim's list. But she didn't even make the top 100 in Stuff's? She was named sexiest or most beautiful person in the world in some magazine just last year. Now she doesn't make the top 100? She's still #1 for me and probably will be for quite some time. And how about Eva Larue? You know...she's that one chick on CSI Miami now. The hot one. There's only one hot one. You should know who I'm talking about. I first saw Eva Larue on All My Children or one of those other day time TV shows. I don't watch them but I was like "damn she's hot". Then she was apparently killed off and then she did some Mickey Mouse Club movie. Then her character was brought back on All My Children with memory loss from a plane crash or some nonsense. Anyway, she ran away to Miami apparently because that's where she's working as a CSI agent for Horatio.
Point is...she should be on the list. And there are about 65 people that have no place on the list.
EDIT: I did a search and found the list for Maxim's 2006 list and it shows Jordana Brewster as #59. She isn't even on the 2007 list though. Bah...but at least she's on the 2006 list. I guess she just hasn't done enough work recently. I dunno. Last thing I saw her in was the latest Texas Chainsaw movie which I believe had both her and Jessica Biel who, by the way, Stuff put as #1. She's aaa'ight...not number 1 material...but aaa'igth. Whoever came out with the list for Stuff should be fired.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thoughts of the Day

If you are at the front of a line of cars waiting for a green turn arrow to turn left at a busy intersection, pay fucking attention to the light!!! You have a responsibility to everyone behind you to keep a sharp eye trained on that light. Your eyes should be fucking glued to it. You know damned well that when the cross traffic stops, that means your arrow is about to appear. PAY ATTENTION!!! If I'm 3 cars back and I don't make it through the light that I've been waiting on for 5 minutes because of your dumb ass, then I'm running the light, following you and kicking your ass for being a moron.
If you don't know what you're doing, don't choose the busiest time of the day on a Saturday afternoon at Wal-mart to try to figure out the self checkout counter. You may have been in the wal-mart for hours window shopping and picking out things for your shitty house, but some of us have run in there for one thing and want to run out and now we have to wait for your dumb ass to figure out what buttons to push to make the machine happy.
Nobody cares about whales. Every time there is a whale doing something like swimming in a river or a bay somewhere, everyone gets upset or excited and it's front fucking page news on Yahoo or CNN or whatever. Then guess what usually happens. If you guessed "the whale dies" you are correct. The whales don't just randomly find their way into a harbor or inlet somewhere because they're lost. They're seeking medical attention. The first thing people do is try to coax the whale back out to sea. Which sometimes works only to have the whale return or beach itself or whatever. But...I don't care. I'm not a big whale fan. Are there any sportsteams called "The Whales"? None that I know of.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Review: Marilyn Manson : Eat Me, Drink Me

It rocks. Buy it. Wait...it's not out yet. How do I have a copy? I have a friend in Turkey and it's out there already...or something like that.
"If I was your Vampire" is currently my favorite song. Followed closely by "Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form Of Flattery". I haven't really had time to listen to the entire album yet though. Initially, a few of the songs sound a bit like Foo Fighters or Green Day or Everclear or some other "Buzz Ballads" band. But you soon hear the lyrics and realize it's something else.
Manson said he wanted all of the songs on this album to be his true art and not something that came from his soul and turned into a marketable album just to sell records or to have a #1 video. I'd have to say he did a really good job at accomplishing this...other than If I was Your Vampire. Because I really think it's going to be pretty high on the charts.

I Don't Care What Anyone Says...

I think Jordin is going to win. Melinda is a great singer. But I think Jordin has a much prettier voice and is more appealing to the younger people. Blake is appealing to 13 year old girls and gay men. That's about it.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Movie Review: Spider-Man 3

Ok so Venom is played by Eric Foreman. That skinny kid from that 70s show. He looks like he's been hitting the gym quite a bit though. When he's Venom, suddenly he's a 285 pound body builder. Must be the alien suit.
Ok so in the scene when the alien takes over Peter, you can clearly see that Peter is wearing an original red and blue suit and the alien just covers it. When Peter gets the alien off of him, he has to tear it away as he hits the bell. When he does, there is no suit left. Only the alien that drips to the floor below on top of Eddie Brock Jr, sir. I work at the Daily Bugle and I'm dating your daughter. They improvised the story of when Peter proves Brock's story to be a fake. They did a believable job at this in fact. I love the way they did Sandman in this movie. Really looked like sand and I really enjoyed Church as the Sandman. I also enjoy how they showed him getting his "favorite shirt"...heh. Ok so uhhh...
I liked how they did the black flowing suit. Looked nice in the movie.
Ok I'm all done with what's "good" about the movie.
Peter cries like a little girl several places in the movie.
When the black suit influences his emotions, he's becomes gay. Apparently the alien is gay. He dances around and does stupid shit walking downtown on the sidewalk. And this scene lasts for like 25 minutes in the movie. OMFG we get it. He's a retard. Get back to it already.
Then Harry as Gobby Jr hits his head fighting Spiderman and can't remember the last couple of years. Then a few scenes later suddenly he remembers and tries to steal MJ from Peter. This leads to one of the girly crying scenes.
Then MJ loses her job and never gets another one except for in the jazz club. Please. Should have left the end of the movie with her getting a movie part or somethin'. Then Venom explodes and completely disappears as though one of these little exploding bombs could completely disintegrate him where as anyone else it simply throws them across the room or disfigures them.
You always know when the end of a Spider-Man movie is coming because his mask gets torn. I mean damn...that fool has got to spend alot of time sewing.
And the part where he got rid of the suit? Should have incorporated a scene with the Fantastic Four there like in the comics. I mean...there is a new FF film coming out soon. What a great cameo that would have made.
Speaking of cameos, Stan Lee showing up in every Marvel movie is becoming less and less discreet. He stands there talking to Peter.
Gobby Jr dies. More crying. Neither MJ nor Harry ever tell Peter that Harry made her break up with him. There is a hug at the end. Did they get back together or what? And how come Peter wasn't 86ed from the club for the fight? And he hit MJ. Cops should have come. Peter should be in jail. You know he can't afford bail cuz of his crappy job. Oh wait...he got the staff job when he was black suited Spider-Man being a dick. Did he keep the job or what? And why didn't he move into a nicer place? All he did was buy a new suit for walking around down dancing like a homo and pointing and winking at chicks walking around. Boooo.....
By the way, I'm not going to go on anyone's Gay Rights radio show to apologize for using the word "homo" on my blog.
That is all...

My Ongoing Adventures at Walmart

I went to Walmart today to get some flowers for my girlfriend for mother's day. She is the mother of my daughter, Lindrielle, afterall. So...I get the flowers. I head to the "self checkout" counter. There are 4 people in front of me each with just a few items. "It's a good line", I thought. I must have forgotten about my luck though. If there are 600 people in the store at noon on a Sunday and there are 7 people out of those 600 that have never used the self checkout before and of those 7 there are 4 that have never used any electronic device EVER before, I can guarandamntee you that they are going to be the 4 motherfuckers in front of ME at the Walmart. First, this old man looked through his wallet for a good 3 minutes before finding his credit card. Then, he tried numerous times to swipe his card on the side of the reader. However; the card reading strip is on the top of the machine. Someone finally told him. I would have done it but I was 4 people back. So he finally got that overwith.
Next, this woman had 4 or 5 DVDs or games or whatever she was buying. She swiped the first one. It came up with the thing about needing to prove you're an adult or whatever. Red light came on and had to wait for a manager to come. That took a good 5 minutes because the manager overlooking the self checkouts had 3 other red lights she was attending to first. She finally comes over and clears the notice and the woman places the DVD in her bag. Now get this...cuz I shit you not. The woman proceeds to get the next DVD out of her cart and scans it. Guess what. Adult verification required. Red light again. Another 5 minutes pass before we're helped. The manager finally caught on and stood there while the girl scanned the remainder of her items. Great.
The next girl had a few miscellaneous items. Her total came to 37 dollars and some change. Again I shit you not...she pulls out from her purse a huge wad of 1 dollar bills and proceeds to enter them all into the machine one at a time. OMFG...That took forever. She kept on trying to straighten the edges of them on the counter before putting them in the slot. OMFG...
The next guy was the best. This lady about 50 years or so old. She keeps trying to TALK to the machine! She's like "English" when it asked for language. "ENGLISH!" she yells once. "ENGLISH!!!" she yells twice. By this time people from other counters are looking over at her. I told her she can't talk to the machine. She has to push the screen. She says she doesn't want to push the screen because everyone else has been pushing the screen. She's afraid of germs apparently which is why I think she may have been Martian. I hit the english for her. She thanked me. She got to the part where she had to enter her pin number. She looked around for a bit and I told her she was going to have to do that part herself. She got a bottle of sanitizer out of her purse, squirts some on a tissue and wipes down the pen used for the pad before using it.
This is all true folks. I can't make this shit up. Took me 7 hours waiting in line to get out of there. That's what it seemed like anyway.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Al Sharpton apparently made some disparaging remarks about Mormons or somethin'. I dunno. The he comes out and apologizes. It's like people say whatever they want to say and then they are suprised when someone is offended. Only then do they apologize. Not because they feel bad. But hey..I just want to know what radio show he has to go on an get a lashing from.

Case Mods

I bought an Antec 900 case for 60 bux. The cable management possibilities were horrible due to the PSU going on the bottom of the case. So I cut a bunch of holes in the case behind the motherboard to run and hide cables. I started with my cordless dremel but that sucked so I plugged in my generic dremel that runs at 35000 rpm and that thing sliced through the metal like butter. Got all the holes cut and whatnot and cables run. Still waiting on a few new cables to make things look better.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Don't Let Me Forget...

I have to pick up diapers on the way home. Luvs size 4 or Pampers if they don't have Luvs.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Didn't have to...

Well I didn't have to get up early today afterall. My girlfriend decided to take the baby to her Mom's house with her this morning, allowing me to sleep late. I planned to get up around 9 and go hiking before I had to go to work but I looked outside and it was a little cloudy so I went back to sleep and got up around noon. That's the most sleep I've had in a long time. And I'm still tired. I could have probably slept for another 10 hours.
