What I Thought While on the Pot: July 2005

Friday, July 29, 2005


I feel pretty good. I haven't been sick in a long time. Not as much as a head cold or a headache. No stomach problems except about 2 months ago when I went and had some bad chinese. I took care of that problem and I felt better within a couple hours. Left it there right on the highway. I've been taking vitamins and herbal supplements such as grape seed extract and apple cider vinegar.

I have no financial problems. I would like to spend less money and save more, but I can make ends meet fairly easily. I hope I have this job a good long while longer. I know I still owe my dad $150 bux but it pops in and out of my mind once in awhile and I forget to send it to him. I'll give it to him cash when I get there next month. People appreciate cash.

I'm pretty happy right now. My girlfriend realizes that I need time away from her to do my own thing because that's the way I've always been. I want to be able to do things I enjoy when I have time to enjoy them and many of those things involve doing things by myself and she understands that. She gets hurt that I talk to other girls sometimes and I understand that. She's in quite a bind all the time with her life and her son and her financial problems. I hate to see her so miserable sometimes and it's really hard on me to watch her go through it, but I don't know what I can do about it. I'm her boyfriend. Nothing less, nothing more. She's said that if I have to move out of where I'm living right now that I can stay with her for awhile. I appreciate her for that. I know she'd be there for me if I had problems like I'm not there for her. She has alot of family here locally and I don't, though. I don't have a lot of people I can turn to for help that are nearby.

I'm looking forward to going to Chicago and visiting my sister and then, a few days later, going out and seeing my other sister and the rest of my family. I love my family very much. I'm not around very much and don't see them very often but I feel we're very close. Alot closer than I see alot of people's relationships with their own family.

I feel like I may have some health problems. I have some pains that come and go that I think are unusual. I have some skin discolorations that come and go. I've been to my doctor. Bloodwork was normal. Maybe I should see another doctor. I don't know. I was told my heart palpitations and occasional rapid heartbeat were nothing to worry about. I did a "stress test" and the results were that I had a normal, strong healthy heart and lungs. I ride the bike in the gym about 11 miles a day on medium resistance. I sweat like a pig and get my heartrate from 150-175 bpm. It's a good workout and I feel good when I'm doing it and good afterward. Othertimes, I'll walk down a short hall or up a short flight of stairs and my heart will start pounding and I'll have to stop and even sit down sometimes until it calms down. That's pretty strange to me. I also have "heliotrope hue", a purplish discoloration around the eyes. My doctor said it's probably caused my allergies and I'll be going for blood tests soon to determine what it could be an allergy to. By doing some research on the internet, I've found it could be things like Dermatomyositis or maybe a low adrenal or thyroid function (which is in my family history), or even heart and kidney problems. Hopefully the blood tests reveal something that can be treated. I like wearing contacts lenses instead of glasses, but it's embarrasing sometimes when it looks like I've been in a fight, so I wear glasses to make them less noticable.

Well, I'm about to get off work now...l8r...

Online Racing Games

Well as any of you who play racing games online already know, they can be alot of fun. They also be extremely gay because some jackass who sucks ass on the game and knows it always drives backwards because they think it's a spanking good time. I've lost many a race due to some jackass hitting me head-on on the last lap of a close race. HAHAHA!! It's so funny!! Not. I quite simply don't understand the logic going through these people's heads. Why BUY the game to begin with? Then, now that you have purchased a game in which you have no interest in racing in, WHY take it online for the sole purpose of going backward to screw with other people's races? I mean did it go in that order? Or just the opposite? Like...they saw an ad for a game and thought "I need to buy that game so I can get online and screw with people by driving backwards. I can't wait to drive backwards in that game". Many online racing games have a ranking system based on points. People with very little points have nothing to lose by screwing around, but usually they will try to win in order to gain some points. Normally, everyone who starts out in a race begins with everyone trying to win. But lately, every race I get in starts out with one of the players turning their car around and going backward. It's very difficult to find a legitimate race online. I enjoy racing so I'm not going to quit, but I fear these assholes are never going to go away.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sister's Pregnant

Welp...my sister Deana is pregnant now. She's 35 years old as I believe it, and she lives with my parents in Illinois. Use Google Earth and search for Morrison, IL and follow highway 60 (I think) west to Fulfs Rd. You'll find a white house right on the corner. That's where she lives. Please go there and give donations and also presents for my mom who is probably going to end up raising the baby because my sister, as I said, lives at home for several reasons and her boyfriend has issues that I've heard about so he's not in any better shape to be raising a baby. I don't know what plans they have. Get their own place, move to Canada, or whatever, but things aren't looking too good for my parents as of yet. They are old and retired and don't need to be starting all over raising kids. I mean hell if I had expected them to raise my children, I'd have 10 kids by now that would all be living with my parents. They did a good job with me. I haven't burned down any buildings or killed anyone so I think I turned out pretty good. They should do a good job with other kids too. They did a good job raising the boy anyway...hehe.

I thought my two sisters and I just weren't supposed to have kids. I guessed that my sisters had decided they just didn't want them or whatever. I tried to have one and God said no. I figured it was because if a child of one of us were to be born and inhabit the earth, the world would come to an end during the reign of said demon spawn. Perhaps not...I supposed we'll have to wait and see.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

GTA back in the news...stupid s#%@...

Woman Sues makers of San Andreas
Check it out. A woman who bought the game rated "Mature: Ages 17 and older" for her 14 year old son and is now sueing the makers because the game contains adult content. Her lawyer states "No parent would knowingly buy their children a game with adult content". However, this parent obviously did, you dumbs@$! lawyer. Back in the good ol' days, people worked for money. They didn't just sue for everything they could think of. This woman obviously bought the game (meant for 17+) for her 14 year old son. Now she's upset because the game has adult content. Have any of you actually PLAYED GTA: San Andreas? I guarantee Hilary Clinton has not. In the actual game, you survive by having sex with hookers, beating up hookers, doing drive bys on rival gang members, selling drugs, bribing cops. This is not a children's game, clear as day. You carjack people on a regular basis, just to get around town faster. You hijack planes and helicopters. Add to all that some cartoonish nudity. NOW everyone freaks out. NOW everyone wants to throw a fit because they went out and bought the game for their underage kids not knowing what they were buying. Guess what, mother of that boy. If have any right to sue anyone, sue yourself and then kill yourself for being the stupidest idiot on the planet. Wait...before you kill yourself, invite that woman who put that finger in Wendy's chili and that chick that tried to accuse Michael Jackson this last trial...you can all have a suicide party.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm a Pretty Nice Guy...Most of the Time

I've never been someone who had an extremely short fuse. Back before high school, if someone tried to pick on me or make fun of me for some reason, sure I would get pissed off. Once in awhile I snapped just like anyone would. Nobody ever got seriously hurt. I was never really in any fights growing up. Little childhood skirmishes, you know. I simply let people who thought they were better than everyone else go about their business. I hated bullies more than anything. I was never bullied myself, but I would see other kids getting bullied and it was the dumbest thing I saw kids do growing up. No point to it really. These kids obviously have issues that they need help dealing with.

As I got older, things would increasingly get on my nerves, though I never really cared to have an opinion about alot of things that just didn't matter to me but seemed to matter to everyone else. I would see people that were so passionate about some issue and I really didn't understand why someone would care so much about something that didn't matter much to me. I realized, after awhile, that usually when someone becomes that way about something, it's because of something that has happened to them or someone they know. For example, someone speaking alot about breast cancer may have lost their wife or mother to it. My own mother had breast cancer so I know it's a very serious issue. I've never felt compelled to go out and do public speaking about it though. I guess it's just the way I am. You don't see many people out there trying to raise public awareness about kidney failure or a multitude of other potentially life changeing or fatal conditions. You can turn on the TV and watch for an hour and see commercials about breast cancer, skin cancer, and heart disease. Yes we are all well aware of these issues. Move along.

I pretty much lived most of my life very easy going, not getting too upset about anything. Trying to just get by and not bother anyone else and hopefully not get bothered either. Society loves to poke though. Seems like I have a target painted on my back sometimes.

The first time something happened that was the public vs me was when I was a pool monitor at my sister's apartment complex in a Chicago suburb. It was my job to monitor the PH levels of the pool and to make sure the level of chlorine was where it was supposed to be. This one morning, before the pool opened, I was inside doing my tests in the shed where the water filters through and I heard kids outside laughing and carrying on. When I went outside, I realized that the kids had hopped the fence to the pool area and were on their way to jumping in the water. No big deal really. The pool opened in about 5 more minutes anyway and they were just kids. Maybe 12 and 10 years old. They were both black boys. Why is that significant to mention? Read on.

The boys jumped in on the shallow end of the pool where the water is about 3 feet deep. The one boy started jumping around in the water swimming around a bit, having fun. The other boy jumped in and splashed around with his eyes closed so he didn't get water in them or whatever. Suddenly, the boy's mother comes through the gate and sees her son splashing in the water and starts screaming "He's drowning!! He's drowning!!" Keep in mind, the water came up to just above his waist. Hardly drowning. And, the boy was laughing and the boys were yelling back and forth to each other "Imma get ya" and things like that. The boy became confused and scared when he saw his mother was dancing around in a panic. The boy went to the steps in the pool to get out. He was now in water around 1 1/2 feet deep. The boys looked strangely at each other, trying to figure out what the problem was. The boy's mother was screaming at me "Save my boy!" and I'm screaming back at her "There's nothing wrong with him! Look!" But she didn't look at him as he got out of the pool. He was completely out of the pool standing there and his mother was still screaming at me to save her boy. It was insanity taken to the next level. Before I knew it, there were 20 people standing around and this large black woman was going to get her large black husband. He comes out, huffing and puffing and I tried to explain to him what happened. He didn't want to hear anything I had to say and he threatened that he was going to throw me into the pool and try to drown me just like I did his son. I said "what?". The woman had told her husband that I threw her child into the pool on the deep end and kept him from getting out of the pool and did nothing to help him from drowning. So of course, he was pissed. He called the cops and they showed up and asked me about if I'd ever been involved in a hate crime and so forth.

As you can see, this whole ordeal was getting blown up like crazy. Now the cops tell me that one of the white witnesses told them that I told her "I don't save black kids." This, of course, did not happen. The cops asked me why a white woman would make up this story. I told them I had no idea but now that I've had time to think about it, I do have an idea. Racial tension. All these black people were standing around getting pissed off at a white man because they all heard that the white man tried to drown 2 black boys. That "witness" was trying to say "Hey I'm white and I'm trying to help...please don't hurt me." Maybe she was trying to be the black people's hero. I dunno...but she needs to be slapped.

Well, turned out there was another white woman who really was a witness to what happened and she was as shocked as I was when the cops told her the story that was going around. She set the cops right and of course all the black people there started throwing a fit about the white woman making up a story. The cops also found out that I was in no way a lifeguard. I was a PH monitor and that was it. I had no life saving training of any kid and was not under any strict responsibility to attempt to save anyone anymore than anyone else did. Even though that was not an issue, it was the reason they couldn't arrest me or take me in for questions or anything like that. I went home.

I had the next 2 days off from work. I relaxed for awhile. I went down to the pool on the second day to see how things were going with the other pool monitor and she told me I had to leave right away because there was a group of guys looking for me. I looked down the street and there was a group of about 30 black guys, most of them with their shirts off, walking away from the pool. Why were they looking for me, I wonder...yeah right.

Needless to say, in fear of my life, I had to quit the job. I couldn't believe that I had to quit my job and that all these people were teaming up against me for something that never happened. They didn't care...it reminded them of something they saw on the news or in a movie or in a song or whatever and it pissed them off and they wanted to take it all out on me. Great...

The second time it was me against the world was just last year. I was waiting on traffic at an intersection where I had a stop sign. It was from a small street onto one of the busiest streets in town so I had awhile to wait. This old man was coming from the right, walking very slowly taking small shuffle steps. He eventually gets to the curb where he wants to cross the street. I'm pulled out in the street quite a bit so it makes sense that he would walk behind my car, but no. He stops at the curb, I look at him, he looks at me, and he starts walking around the front of my car to cross the street. He gets a little more than half way across the front of my car and then he falls. I immediately pull my emergency brake and get out to see what happened. I didn't know if he tripped or if he was dead or what. I get out and he's sitting on the ground and I ask him if he's ok. He says he is so I take his hand and help him to his feet and across the street the rest of the way. He thanks me and goes about his way. There was another person walking nearby and he told me that there were some cops just down the next block and that I should let them know what happened. I agreed so I got back in my car, drove over to where the cops were, parked, got out and told them what had happened. By this time, the old man could been seen walking (quite hastily now) a good 2 blocks away. Suddenly, came an ambulance looking for the man. Someone obviously had called 911. They had a difficult time finding him until several people ran to catch the old man and turn him around. He didn't appear interested in turning around but they forced him to. He sat in the ambulance and they asked him questions and he said he just fell and he wasn't hurt. He complained of no pain from anything, so they let him go. They let me go too after asking me what happened. No big deal, right? Right...

Until 2 hours later, I get home and there is a message on my phone from a cop telling me that I had to call him back ASAP if I wanted to avoid having my car towed. I'm like WTF? I call him back and he asks me to meet him somewhere. I meet him there and he's asking me why I left a hit and run accident. Again I'm like WTF. I explained to him that I reported to the cops that were there are the scene 2 hours ago and even talked to the ambulance people, all of which was the reason I had been at the scene for a good 25 minutes. Hardly a hit and run. He told me that the story from another witness was different. He didn't even know that I had talked to the other cops. He talked to both of them on his handset and got the story straight. He said he was still going to give me a ticket for "careless driving involving a pedestrian" because the witness said that I had been speeding down the street when I slammed on my breaks and skidded my car and slammed into the old man. The same old man who got up and walked away so fast that someone had to RUN to catch up to him. I found out sometime later the old man was 81 years old. Hardly someone who was going to get up and walk away from being slammed into by a speeding car. Still, I got a ticket. No big deal again. Go to court..tell my story. I'm done. Exactly what happened. I plead not guilty. They said I had to come back to court another day to discuss the issue with a prosecutor. When I got there, it was no prosecutor, it was some secretary or something. She asks me "why would you want to plead not guilty?" I'm like "uhhhh...because nothing happened...so I'm not guilty of anything". She gives me a "uhhh...yeah". And tells me I have to come back to the court house yet AGAIN. The next time I come, I actually talk to someone who appears professional. Nice suit, jackass. Even nicer hair. Those people really need to pay their rookie attornees better. Dude had old ketchup stains on his lapel and his hair hadn't seen a comb for days. He hadn't shaved for even longer. Looked like he had just woken up from a drunken stooper when they called him and reminded him he was supposed to talk to me. So he shows me the police report. Sure enough, there is an "eyewitness account" that I was "going at least 50mph" when I skidded my car into the old man. What a f*$%ing crock. So, faced with inexperienced me, I asked what the plea deal would be. They said 1 point off my license. I decided to take the plea simply because I was tired of missing work so many times. How many more visits to the court before CSI Colorado Springs would be able to figure out this brain buster? After awhile, I'm told I can go see the judge. He asks me if I have anything I want to say about the case. I say no. Then he starts asking me questions about it. I explain to him all that happened and about how the witness clearly made up his story. Of course the judge asked me "Why would an independent eye witness make it up?". I told him he would have to ask the eye witness. Again, having thought about it, I have a pretty good reason. He wanted to be the hero of the day. The one who came to the aid of the old man so everyone around him would think he was the hero and he was great and deserved kudos. It would make him feel good about himself even though he's been working as a discount mechanic at midas for 20 years, going home every once in awhile with the new hooker in town and smoking meth together. That's ok though. Coming to the aid of the old man would make him the hero and all his sins would be forgiven and he would yet again be allowed to enter the gates of heaven...or whatever.

Anyway, turns out the judge actually believed the truth that I had spoken to him and he threw out the fine for the ticket and stated "I can see no crime has been committed. No good deed goes unpunished, they say." I told everyone worrying about me that everything was all good and that justice had been done that day. Hooray for truth, justice and the American way.

Oh but wait...my story isn't over just yet.

A full 6 months later, there is a knock on my door at about 9:30pm. An older gentlemen kindly hands me a folder and says "there are instructions on what to do. You might want to give your insurance company a call". I'm like WTF of course. I open and read it. It's a goddamned summons. That old man was now sueing me for "severe injuries" including head, neck, leg, hip, severe emotional trauma, etc. Can you believe that? He actually got up and walked away from several severe injuries. Walked quite fast, even. Amazing that old man is. Just amazing.
Of course, I'm irate at this point. Absolutely can't believe any of this. All bull$#!1. So I type up a well worded letter and hand it, along with the summons, to the folks at my insurance company. I seriously hope they don't give that old man or his family a dime for any of this. This is truly ridiculous. I'll post about it again as more information comes my way.

So, as you can see, there's another example of people picking on me. Remember, I don't like that. Society? The public? God? Take your pick. Whoever is responsible for it should be made to pay. I just want to get by. I just want to go about my business.

More examples:

My son died. He didn't do anything to deserve that. He was stillborn. Never had a chance to see or do anything and his life was taken away.

My wife left. We broke apart after our son died. God took both of my angels away in one swoop. That alone left me a broken man.

I went to get some custom work done to my car that I was told would take 2 or 3 weeks. It took 4 and a half months and they dicked me around the entire goddamned time and they did such a shitty job, I had to get rid of my car because the body was LITERALLY coming off in chunks on the highway.

I have kidney and heart problems. I eat good, exercise all the time, drink plenty of water. What the hell? I don't drink, don't smoke, what do I do? I'm a goody two shoes. Yet I'm made to pay for the sins of others. I thought there was another person that already did that. You know...back in the day? Like 2000 years ago? Oh you figured out who I was talking about already? Ok I'll move on then.

I want to make everyone pay for everything they have done against me. I did not deserve to be treaty fouly in any of these cases. If I could kill everyone who has ever wronged me and get away with it and have no bad feelings about it, I would. I was and continue to be picked by members of society. An evil society that had been bred and raised on TV that shows constant negative images and makes people feel bad about the world and themselves. No wonder why everyone else is just as pissed off as I am and tries to make everyone else pay for society's sins. Who can blame them really?

I have to poop. Bye.

Coma Black

I would tell her she was the only thing I could love in this dying world but the simple word of love itself already died and went away.
This was never my world, you took the angel away...

LAN Party

I hooked up with the guys at Academy Gamers yesterday at the Enlisted Club at the Air Force Academy. For those who don't know what a "LAN Party" is, well it's a LAN (Local Area Network) Party (people getting together having fun). The way we have the fun involved is playing games on all our computers hooked up to the LAN. We played Unreal Tournament 2004, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Counterstrike: Source (for about 10 minutes) and uhhh....some guys played some other stuff after I left, I guess. It was alot of fun. I haven't been to a LAN Party for like 4 years or somethin'. I held my own in Unreal Tournament 2004, but I had never played Battlefield 2 so I really had no clue what I was doing. I felt I was doing ok in Call of Duty, having only played the game once before. Counterstrike: Source is more my game, but nobody wanted to play to blah...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Blurry Vision

About 15 minutes ago, I noticed that my right eye vision is a bit blurry. I wear glasses and contacts and I'm wearing my glasses right now. I've tried eye drops and rubbing, but my right eye continues to be blurred. I noticed it just after I got back from the gym. I hope it's nothing serious like a brain toomah.

New Games (new to me)

I picked up Burnout 3, Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars : The Clone Wars all for XBOX. I own Burnout 3 for the PS2, but of course PS2 games suck online and the XBOX version of Burnout 3 simply looks better and has better controls...so there :P. If you play Burnout 3, hope to see you online! Look for JohnXMorg.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

USPS: U Stupid Pansies Suck

I posted below a message about a package that went missing. USPS said that they were going to look into what may have happened to the package. That was one week ago today and still nobody has gotten back with me. I left both my work and home numbers. Today, I realized I had another package I that I paid for on July 5th that I still had not received. I emailed the originator. He gave me a delivery confirmation number. I typed it into the USPS website tracking page. It showed it was delivered on, guess what, the same day and at the same time as the other missing package. These are two packages originated from two different parts of the country and supposedly delivered to the same person on the same day at the same time, but they were not delivered. There are delivery CONFIRMATION numbers for crying out loud. Still, I have neither package. So I'll be going back to the post office once again to, most likely, be blown off once again. I mean come on, two packages on the same day go missing? Something out of the ordinary had to have happened and they probably should know what it was. If the mailman was jacked or some kids stole some mail or whatever. Oh yeah...and BOTH of the packages that I had go missing were gold necklaces. Jewelry that was missing...hmmmmm...

"Nudity" in GTA: San Adreas

This has been somewhat of a popular subject on blogs recently. The supposed "nudity" and "pornography" in GTA: San Andreas. Obviously, it's naked and pornographic activity going on in a video game between video game cartoonish looking characters and not real people. I understand it would still be considered to be pornography under a few laws that weren't completely well thought out when they went into effect. Rockstar games today admitted that the code was actually hidden in the game and that the "Hot Coffee" mod did not add the code but simply unlocked it. Kudos to Rockstar for finally taking some responsibility. I guess Hillary Clinton getting involved in the issue scared them.
Ok. Here's my issue:
The "Hot Coffee" mod only works on the PC version, right? Maybe I'm wrong about this. I believe it's only the PC version though. I don't know if the code for the x-rated stuff is on all versions of the game or not, but whatever...If it IS only the PC version, then why change the "M" rating to "AO" on ALL copies of all versions? Ok so anyway...you still are supposed to be 17 or older to buy the "M" rated games. So retailers shouldn't be selling it to underage gamers anyway, obviously. Also, when parents choose to buy a game that is "M" rated and then complain about a game being too violent or graphic for their children, well that's their own damn fault, isn't it now. Yeah, they weren't expecting the nudity and the pornography but their kids, being under 17, weren't supposed to see the game at all. Now, throwing all the rules and regulations keeping the game out of the hands of underage people, as many adults have done whether they are the parents or the people selling the game, we still have the issue of the "Hot Coffee" mod which must be downloaded.
I have parents. Parents watch the news. My parents watched the news. They definitely knew about things going on in the world before I did. I didn't care for the news. This GTA porn thing I didn't know about myself until I saw something about it on the news. I'm sure that a TON of kids never saw the pornography in GTA: San Andreas until they came over the news talking about "you go to this web site and download the hot coffee fix and then you can see the pornography". Oh good...so go and tell everyone how to do it. That'll fix the issue, right?
Ok so now that parents and alot of kids know how to do it, most likely because they were watching TV while their parents were watching the news, they are going to go jump on the computer and try to see if they can get it to work. What are the parents doing at this point? What SHOULD they be doing? Telling their kids not to try it. 9 times out of 10, they don't pay any attention to what their kids are doing on the internet. They can get to whatever porn they want to most of the time and their parents will never find out about it. They just want to do this GTA: San Andreas hack thing because it's cool. Parents schmarents...they aren't doing their job most of the time when it comes to things like this. In today's age, parents have lost alot of control over their kids.
Time for the WAKEUP CALL!!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news to all the parents but guess what.
Kids see nudity before they turn 18!! Oh my god!!
Could you imagine? A boy never having seen nudity signs up for the marines on his 18th birthday and goes off and gets killed in Iraq. Yeah...that's right...old enough to get killed for the country that says he's not old enough to have the level of responsibility to drink alcohol, but he can go and get killed in a war that his country is in. An 18 year old kid goes and gets his legs blown off by a road side bomb in Iraq. He's medically discharged from the Marines, the one thing he wanted to do for his entire life, taken away from him. Now what can he do? Not have a drink, that's for sure. He'd go to jail for it. Again, he should have died, his beneficiaries would have gotten alot of money. That's ok though...he's expendable, right? That brings me to the next point.
Kids have their first alcoholic drink before 21!! Oh no!!
Alot of kids are looking at pornography and doing drugs and taking part in other illegal activities, sometimes not even because they want to but just because they know they can get away with it because their parents aren't paying attention!! Yeah!!
So...don't blame Rockstar. Don't blame the rating system. Don't blame the kids. You know who to blame:


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Where I've Been

I haven't posted anything in the last few days. I've been playing alot of XBOX Live. I wrote before about the redneck style racing game Flatout. I finally went out and bought an XBOX Live subscription. My gamertag is, guess what....JohnXMorg. JohnXMorg is actually two of my commonly used gamer names merged. JohnX and MORG. I'm MORG on all 3 Descent games and on Tactical Ops and Counterstrike. I'm JohnX on nearly everything I've played recently...like Counterstrike Source, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Call of Duty. Flatout is one of the funnest games I've played online. I'm currently ranked somewhere around 15th place in online settings. I have around 8100 points or something like that. I started with 5000 and first place is somewhere just over 10,000 points. His name is Zvanorova or something like that. He's very freakin' fast so I don't know if I'm going to be able to get up to his level. Obviously, there are quite a few tracks that I'm not all too familiar with. Some of the tracks, I can beat him on if I just happen to take a turn a little better than him. Usually though, someone knocks me off the road somewhere in the beginning and he's gone. Well anyway, if you see me XBOX Live, I'm JohnXMorg. Add me to your friend's list.

Beam Him Up

I see in the news today that James Doohan, "Scotty" from the original Star Trek series has passed away. That's a shame. Everbody loved him. He put so much into his development of the character of Scotty. Truly a character that will be remembered for the rest of time.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau

Some of you may have seen the 30 minute, or whatever it is, infomercial for Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They don't Want you to Know About". Right off the bat, the title of the book is misleading as hell. Guess what. The book has NO "natural cures" in it. That's right folks! <---- in my best Kevin Trudeau impression. NO natural cures! Let's recap. The title of the book is "Natural Cures They don't want you to Know About" and guess what...we still don't know about them after reading the book because uhhhhh....there are none in the book. So, what, you ask does 29.95 get you? Well you get alot of Kevin's explanation of the history of the FDA and their relationship with drug companies. Yes it's all very enlightening information. He really did alot of homework on that subject. He really hates the FDA because they seem to censor everything he says or does. You all remember "Mega Memory" and that speed reading informercial he had as well. Well let's just say those endeavors didn't turn out that great for him because of his misleading ways. In addition to FDA information, you also get page after page of him advertising his website Natural Cures. He states time and time again that he can't tell you what the actual natural cures are in his book because the FDA said he can't, but if you become a "private member" of his web site and mailing list, you can email him directly and he will tell you his recommendations. So...stupid me. I go to the website. Oh guess what. It costs 9.95 per month to be a "private member". So more money. Surprise surprise. So now we are up to 40 bux and still searching for "natural cures" for whatever ails you. Well first, when you go to the Natural Cures web page, there are more things enticing the reader to go deeper into the website to learn more information about Natural Cures. Of course you find out it's 9.95 to join. So you join...then you go to the member's page and it states "FDA has said I can't mention any products" blah blah blah...so now we've spent 40 dollars and still we are lacking any natural cures. There are, once again, many pages of enlightening information, but no natural cures products.
What you have is a list of 3 email addresses that he gives you of people he says are doctors. He says they would recommend the same products that he would recommend. So I shoot each of them an email and from all 3 of them I get nearly identical emails that are like 20 pages long. They all do, indeed, recommend specific brand name products. All of them recommend the SAME products actually. Time and time again they tell you to go to the same websites and dish out your $30-$80 per bottle for these products they are promoting. Doesn't sound much like natural cures to me. Sounds more like another scam. Now, I don't know if anyone is being paid by the companies that make these "all natural" products, but I've grown more and more suspicious. So I've spent 40 bux already...now they want me to spend nearly $500 to buy all of the products they recommend, and that's just for a one month's supply.
I think not.
In addition, they want you to buy expensive water and air purifiers. Not the regular commercial made purifiers you can find for 40 bux, but the 200-400 dollar ones that they promote on the websites they are pushing.
So here's my point...don't buy the book. Don't pay for the website.
There are PLENTY of "natural cures" type books and websites out there that you can find the same exact information and probably even more without worrying about having to dish out another 500 bux for bottled products that the author and their friends are promoting. Here's a tip. Nearly ALL of them say "eat organic food". Primarily grapes. And juice alot. Use organic fruit and use a juicing machine and drink the organic juice alot. Drink alot of purified water processed by reverse osmosis. You don't have to buy a reverse osmosis machine for an arm and a leg. You can find water already processed at Wal-Mart. It's called, you guess it, "drinking water" and if you read the label, it states that it was processed by reverse osmosis. So enjoy.

My Dream Job

Of course, my original idea for a dream job was to be the guy who oils up all the Playboy models for hot photo shoots. Or the guy who puts the whipped cream in strategic locations on a girl's body. But you know...I've recently come across some interesting cinematographical media that has given me new ideas.
I download an adult movie of some questionable nature. I won't post the name of it here. It wasn't in english, that's all I'll say. Now, the ORIGINAL movie WAS in English, but this movie that I have is dubbed over into some other language. Latvian or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, it's quite funny for obvious reasons including the fact that people's lips don't move in accordance with what they appear to be saying. Also, in this particular movie, there are no other sounds like background sounds or the natural sounds of sexual activity. There are only the sounds of the voice over actors and actresses talking and of course making their "passion" noises. "Ooooh...ahhhhhh....oooohhhhhh...." but it's not the people actually having the intercourse in the movie...it's the voice over actors. HAHA! It's crazy! I couldn't even watch this movie without laughing my ass off. Well I didn't watch the movie, because it was overly ridiculous. Also, I don't watch porn, so there.

Happy Birthday, sis!

It's my sister Bobbie's birthday today. She's like 47 or something. I don't remember. She's 6 years older than me and I'm 27...so that's like...42 or whatever. Yeah. Well happy birthday anyway!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

New Harry Potter Book!! Oh Gooday Gooday!!

So...the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or somethin' is coming out at midnight tonight. Lots of excited kids and pissed off parents are lining the stores that are actually staying open to sell the book at midnight. Those freaks. It's been on the TV all day and night. I hear that Dumbledore turns out to be a bad guy and he's the one who wanted Harry's parents dead and Voldemort kills a buncha people in this book...but I dunno. I don't read the books. Seriously...am I the ONLY person in the world who doesn't care?

Lion Tattoo

Someone asked me to post a pic of my lion tattoo. So...here it is. I am a Leo you know...plus I like lions. So that's why I got it. Plus it was cheap. And it looks nice. And chicks dig it. I actually got this Tattoo like 6 or 7 months ago by a guy named Scott Toy at Holy Rollers in Colorado Springs.

Going on Vacation next month!!

I haven't taken vacation for like 2 years, so here I am going on vacation next month from 8 August until 24 August. I'll probably take some more vacation later in the year. I'll be flying into Chicago and visiting with my sister for a few days before we drive a bit west near the border of Illinois and Iowa to a little town called Morrison, IL. That's where my folks live. I have to remember to buy some things before I go:
  • Large luggage back from Ross for 49.99 or a larger one for 69.99

  • XBOX Live 12 month subscription from Gamestop since I have a 10 dollar gift card for Gamestop. It'll still cost me like 40 bux.

  • Rent for 500 bux has to be paid before I leave.

  • Car payment will have to be made on Friday, the 12th when I'm in Illinois.

  • Maybe some new pants and a couple of shirts. I dunno. Maybe I'll pick up a couple at Ross. So let's change my total charge at Ross to maybe 100 bux...just for shirts. I have plenty of pants and shorts already I think. Well I could use maybe one more pair of jeans.

  • I need to get my driver's license renewed before I leave because it will expire while I'm in Illinois.

  • Odds and ends for the trip. Toothpaste, shaving cream and so forth. Also will get a haircut before I leave.
  • Shattered Neons

    About 2 1/2 years ago, I bought, for 110 bux, a set of undercar neons for a car I was dressing up to go to shows with. Had nice rims, custom interior, body kit, carbon fiber hood, aftermarket headlights and taillights. Anyway it was pretty sharp. I've since gotten rid of the car.
    But anyway, the neons I bought from a guy who called himself GRimRyder and he was a member on 7th Gen Civic.com. So anyway, I received the package like 3 months later and all 4 neon tubes were completely shattered. They were packaged with NO padding of any kind. No bubble wrap, no peanuts, no nothing. I quite assume they were shattered to hell before he ever put them in the box because all the glass was within' the tubes. Upon pulling out the neon tubes from the packaging, there was very little glass in the box. So like uhhh....I told the guy about it and he insisted that the package was insured so I would get my money back and he was sorry for the inconvenience...yeah right.
    2 weeks later, I emailed him. He said that he was trying to find the paperwork for the insured package. He told me to call FedEX and see what's up. I called FedEX and they said that the sender of the package was responsible for filing the insurance paperwork. Oh by the way...the package had no labeling on it. Didn't have my address, no FedEX or USPS or UPS or any kind of labeling. I'm thinking he delivered them himself or through some cheap ass shipping company or whatever. Whatever the deal, they eneded up in front of my house one day when I got home. Obviously nobody had to sign for them.
    2 weeks passed again...He said his "secretary" had the paperwork in her briefcase and she was out of town. The only problem with his secretary story was that in a previous post on 7thgencivic.com, he had stated that he was an E-2 in the US Military. E-2...so that puts him at somewhere between 18 and 22 years old making next to nothing, living in the barracks on a post somewhere in a room with a bunk bed. How many people in that particular situation have a secretary? Exactly...
    So he disabled his email address. I started getting rejects.
    2 1/2 years pass...
    I was thinking about my neons and I did a search for "Grimryder" and "neons" and guess where I find him? He actually DRIVES a Dodge Neon now and he still uses the username GRimRyder on the Neon SRT forums.
    Of course...it had his email address listed GRiMRyder@yahoo.com so I of course sent him a strongly worded email inquiring as to the status of his secretary. Is she back in town yet? It's been 2 1/2 years...maybe she's back.

    Thursday, July 14, 2005

    XBOX 360

    Well I've been reading a little about the XBOX 360 and the Playstation 3. I prefer the current XBOX over the current PS2, hands down. I have both and rarely play the PS2 anymore. Although my girlfriend bought me Juiced for the PS2 so I play that game when I get a chance. I just picked up Flatout for the XBOX today. Some of you may know that Flatout actually came out in Europe/UK back in late November or early December in 2004. A bunch of people downloaded it and have been playing it online via a neat little program called Flatout Net (the game came with no online support. Flatout Net emulates a LAN over the internet). Well it came out in the US yesterday. Only 8 months after it came out in the rest of the world. Hell, we're catching up!! I've not tried the PC US version to see if it's online compabitle or what. The XBOX version is XBOX Live compatible though, so I'll have to try that too.
    I ordered, through Ebay, a Smart Joy Box II or whatever it was for the XBOX. Apparently, you can hook it into your controller port on your XBOX and then hook up a mouse and keyboard to the XBOX Smart Joy Box II adapter. It advertises that it works on all games whether there is a preset profile for it or not. I'm really only concerned with how it performs on Halo 2 and Conker: Live and Reloaded. I've you've seen Conker, you might think it'd be gay to play it online, but it's not. The guns 'n whatnot are crazy. It's alot of fun blowing up other bears, squirrels, rabbits and kittens that are trying to blow you up too.
    Ok so my post is titled "XBOX 360" and I haven't said anything about it yet. Well I'm trying to figure out how much it's going to cost. I've read 300 dollars and I've read 500 dollars, so I suppose I'll have to just wait and see. Hopefully games aren't more than current new games are. If you think about it, they really shouldn't be because if it's going to cost more to buy a game because it's higher graphics, better picture, better color, better performance, higher quality gaming or whatever, then well hell, PC games have ALWAYS been ahead of any console in the history of consoles. Guess what. Us PC Gamers already play everything at at least 1024x768 or higher, so better resolution is nothing new to us. Just like Halo 2 is nothing new to us who have been playing FPS (first person shooter) games since Wolfenstein and Doom 1 and yes, even played Rise of the Triad. We never missed a new FPS. Then Halo comes along and everyone OOOOOs and AHHHHs over it. Whatever. The PC version is quite less than spectacular, let me tell ya.
    Ok so yeah...I will buy an XBOX 360 when it comes out and I will have a copy of Need for Speed: Most Wanted because it looks great. And I'll enjoy the hell out of every game I ever play on the system. The thing is, these gaming companies are really going to have to step it up a notch to keep up with the consumer demand for the quality of game we are going to be expecting out of EVERY game for the XBOX 360.

    Anger Management Tour 3

    Well my girlfriend is at the Eminem/Anger Management Tour 3 tonight. She managed to find some great guy that she knows to lend her the money to buy a ticket to go. She was trying to save up money to go, but she didn't make it in time and tickets were becoming quite scarce. She was really fretting over not being able to go to the concert. She's been to the first two Anger Management Tour concerts and really wanted to go to this one. I lent her the money and we made a special deal that enabled her to go to the concert. Well...great for her. Where's my blowjob though?


    Xeriscaping sucks!!!


    I've been using Ebay for several years now and I've had over 200 successful transactions. I've only had 3 times where someone tried to rip me off. One of those times, I actually received the item in question a full 9 months later. I guess it had to be conceived and carried to term before it could be delivered. I mean...it wasn't a baby. It was just some cologne. Cologne for babies.
    Ok so anyway. I recently bid on some jewelry on Ebay. It was a nice gold rope necklace. I got it for what I felt was a decent price. I paid immediately. I was sent an email the next day stating that it had been shipped. I'm like "koo". That was on July 1st. I figured I would receive it the next week. I didn't. On the 8th of July, I received a "delivery confirmation" notice from the person who sold me the item. I informed her that she could not have a delivery confirmation because I had not received the item. She argued with me in the next email stating that she would provide me with the delivery confirmation number so I could see myself that it had been delivered. I told her that I needed not to track down a package to tell for myself that indeed that package had not been delivered. I've simply only got to look around the room and notice the obvious lack of a package. I can in addition scan my recent memory for having received a package with jewelry and it would not be there. Perhaps my hereditary Alhzheimers has set in early as I am a mere 27 years old.
    So, just like last time, I'm going to end up requesting my money back through Paypal. Last time, it took less than a week to get my money back.
    I actually got the money back on the cologne too...even though I eventually received it. I feel so naughty.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    Train Wreck in Pakistan

    See...that's why I don't get on trains with Pakistani train operators...(just kidding, Pakistanis...don't send any hateful emails).

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    Da pic

    Well there...hi. How's it going.
    Thought I would upload a pic of mahself here. So...like....uhh...here I go.....

    So begins my blog (oringinal title eh?) <--- even more so right?

    Played some Conker: Live and Reloaded and finished it tonight. Cool game. I enjoyed it all the way through. Some parts took me awhile to complete while others were too easy. Can't wait to play online when I get XBOX Live going. It'll have to wait. Got some bills to pay. You know how it goes. I also finished Halo 2 last night. Seemed easier to finish that I had anticipated. I guess I could have played it on a more difficult setting. I mean, I did use normal.

    Girlfriend just found out today that I have an XBOX. She's upset because she bought me a Playstation 2 for Christmas but I never play it. I don't play it because it's at her house and any time I go over to her house, she doesn't want me playing video games, I'm sure. She wants me to spend time with her. She suggested once that I stay up and play some games after she goes to sleep. She doesn't go to sleep until after 2 in the morning or later sometimes!

    It's sort of funny...when I went to get my XBOX, I had to drive to Boulder. This guy sold the XBOX, like 7 games, 2 controllers for dirt cheap. I had to drive from my house in Colorado Springs to Boulder. No big deal for me, but she wanted to come along when she found out I was going to Boulder. She enjoys a road trip, I guess. It's only about a 2 hour drive, maybe less. Well I told her I had to go up there to pick up a package for work. Not entirely a lie. I do play XBOX at work sometimes. So anyway...that was like a month ago...she just found out it was an XBOX today. She's like "so when did you get it?" And I'm like "remember that trip to Boulder?" hehe....
